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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Working Out on the Playground is Easier than You Think

Easy Fitness Essentials

As an adult, it can be difficult fit into all of the equipment nooks and crannies that a child can. However, there are plenty of ways to use certain apparatus as a fitness tool. For example, park benches or Sit Up Stations make perfect equipment for doing step-ups. For this exercise, one simply steps up on the bench with one foot and then the other. Next, just step back down and then repeat the process several times in a row. Parents can also use a bench or similar equipment for dips by squatting in front of the bench and putting their palms on the seat. Lifting the body up and then dipping back down builds the strength of arm muscles. Other equipment, like playground platforms or swings, make good playground fitness equipment for stabilizing the body to do push-ups.

Getting a Complete Work Out

If a parent or child is new to working out, they can still find two or three exercises that are sensible for their fitness level. It's good to choose one exercise for arms, one to strengthen the legs, and another that will get the heart going. For cardio, parents and kids can jump over balance beams or low playground exercise equipment to get started and then work to jogging around the playground. Apparatuses like the SportsPlay Twister Beam or Stepping Stones are good for jumping routines. Regardless of how fit people are when they start playground work outs, AAA State of Play encourages everyone to find a way to use benches, platforms, ladders, and other equipment to get a comprehensive workout in each time they make a visit to a playground. Corporations that buy playground equipment and outdoor fitness trail equipment should encourage visitors and employees to see the playground as a place where people of all ages can get in a complete workout.

Making it a Family Affair

Young teens often transition into more organized sport play and activity at this point in their life. For example, gymnastics is a popular activity for the 13+ crowd. Bars, beams and pommel horses make a great addition to any outdoor fitness park and are built to withstand the elements. Many of these products have multiple uses. For example, the Double Pommel Horse can be used for push-ups, stretches or classic gymnastics-inspired workouts. Our outdoor adult fitness equipment is designed to be a versatile addition to playgrounds, parks, or schools.

Parents can supervise while their children play or they can join their teens on the fitness equipment. Middle and high schools in particular can easily find products on this page for teenage students. Adults have the ability to make an impact on children and teens by setting an example of exercising regularly and caring for their health. Whether you're working on strength, cardio, agility, or endurance, AAA State of Play has you covered. Rowers and twisters help build muscle while the sky walkers, swings, and bikes are a great tool for cardiovascular health. And balance beams and parallel bars make agility training fun. Outdoor fitness is designed for the entire family, no matter the age or ability. Contact us today to discover the best commercial-grade fitness equipment for teen and adult visitors.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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