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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Why Buying Used Playground Equipment is Never a Good Idea

We are always looking for ways to save money. From cutting coupons for the grocery store to watching gas prices rise and fall, saving money has become a top priority for some! We all know that while saving money in some situations is great, there are certain categories on which there are no cutting corners. Playground equipment is one of those categories!

Often playground equipment is offered used. While you may be able to save a lot of money buying used playground equipment, in the long run it is just not worth the extra savings.

Wear and Tear

Used equipment does not last as long. Because the equipment has already been used for a period of time, you can not be guaranteed any amount of use time.


Warranties are not transferable from owner to owner. The equipment could easily become damaged due to previous use and you may not be able to get a replacement.


You cannot be sure that the equipment meets all of the safety standards. Older playground equipment does not meet today's standards because the standards are constantly changing to keep kids safe.

Replacement Parts

If replacement parts are needed the manufacturer is unlikely to sell you the parts because they are required to warranty the parts and cannot warranty the original piece as it has changed ownership.


Re-installing equipment from one location to another leads to lost, broken, or destroyed parts. Again the manufacturer is unlikely to provide replacements. In some cases, the manufacturer may not even exist anymore!

While new playground equipment can be expensive you will have peace of mind knowing that it comes with a warranty, all of the parts, and can be used for years. If after all of these issues you are still looking for used equipment, you will not find much online. Your best places to find used playground equipment is at school auctions or on Craigslist.

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