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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Understanding Used Equipment Risks

Buyer Beware: The Risks of Purchasing Used Commercial Playground Equipment

At AAA State of Play, we understand that schools, daycare centers and other organizations that serve children are always looking for ways to trim the budget. Some child-oriented organizations try to save money by purchasing used commercial playground equipment. This may save the organization a little bit of money, but the administrators may be putting children at risk by making the decision to buy this type of commercial playground equipment. Used playground equipment can be faulty in ways that are obvious and not so obvious. Consider some of the risks of opting for used commercial playground equipment.

Weak or Damaged Structures

The experts at our company know how hard children can be on a piece of playground equipment. Kids jump, slide, run, climb, bounce and swing on the structures, so, when an organization buys a piece of used commercial playground equipment, the administrators have no idea how much wear and tear the structure has suffered. Perhaps they are looking at a piece of playground equipment that has stood in a public park for several years. It has been out in the rain, hail, snow and sun. Maybe the equipment received little to no maintenance service over the years. The administrators of a childcare facility may even be considering equipment that was misused by teenagers visiting the park. The basic structure of the equipment may be weak or damaged as a result of any of those circumstances. A slide, swing or climbing rail may be weakened and on the verge of breaking. Screws may have come loose at various points on the structure. Traction may be worn down or missing on the steps of a slide. These are the things that an organization must take into account when thinking about buying used commercial playground equipment.

Outdated Materials

AAA State of Play takes pride in the modern, child-safe materials used to make our playground equipment. Unfortunately, these materials haven't always been used when making commercial playground equipment. Used equipment may include outdated items such as wooden swings that can break and give kids splinters. Other examples of outdated equipment are chains on swings that pinch kids' fingers, baby swings without safety harnesses and metal slides. Over the decades, there have been many positive changes in the design of playground equipment. If the administrators of an organization choose to purchase outdated playground equipment, they are taking a risk with the safety of the children in their care.

Equipment that is Not Age Appropriate

Shop our online selection and you'll see that we have playground equipment that is suitable for children of various ages. We know that a piece of equipment for a six year old is not appropriate for a toddler. In many cases, a piece of older playground equipment isn't made for any specific age group. Part of the equipment may look safe for toddlers while another part is definitely not safe for a toddler to play on. An organization is taking a risk in allowing children to play on a piece of used playground equipment that may be too high or otherwise not suit a child's motor skills.

Harmful Materials

Finally, there is another considerable risk that comes with purchasing older commercial playground equipment. Used equipment may be made with harmful materials. For instance, wooden playground equipment may be treated with harmful preservatives. Lead paint may also be a concern when it comes to older playground equipment. Naturally, no organization wants to buy playground equipment that is not safe for the children who are playing on it. Our company believes that every school, daycare and other child-oriented organization should buy the best equipment for the children they are responsible for. Child care professionals, educators and parents can rest assured about the quality of the selection of new playground equipment at AAA State of Play.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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