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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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The Wonderful World of Sound: Musical Playground Equipment

Young children have a natural affinity to music, whether it's singing along with songs, moving and dancing to music, or just banging toys together to make fun sounds. Music is a wonderful complement to playtime as kids learn through play. Children acquire new skills as they challenge themselves during playtime, and musical playground activities can help stimulate learning and growth in a wide variety of ways. Musical playground activities help kids develop their emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities as they learn how make and process music.

Incorporating music into playtime is a great way for kids to learn about the basic mechanics of music. Playground musical instruments help kids learn about music through exploration. Free play with outdoor musical playground equipment lets them discover sounds and rhythms on their own terms. Unlike music lessons, unstructured musical play gives them the opportunity to experiment and make their own connections about how playing an instrument creates music. Their attempts at replicating sounds and patterns will also improve their memorization and reasoning skills.

Kids will also develop their sensory and motor skills by playing and hearing music. As they play with different types of musical playground equipment, they'll learn that each type of instrument makes its own unique sound. Experimentation will also teach them that the same instrument can make both a pleasant and unpleasant sound. Eventually, they'll learn how to replicate sounds they like as they discover how their physical manipulations affect the music's speed, tone, and volume. Outdoor playground musical instruments also add an extra physical element to learning about music. Kids stay active as they bounce from note to note and dance to the music they create. These music-based movements not only provide great exercise, they also improve coordination and balance. Kids develop a greater awareness of their bodies as they learn to move along with the beat of the music.

Playing with musical playground equipment also promotes emotional development in children. Kids gain confidence as they learn to express themselves through music. These musical activities give children a way to explore their artistic voice and imagination. As they play and create, they'll learn how to express their emotions and artistic intent through sound. They'll also recognize that different sounds and rhythms may elicit different emotional and physical responses in them. These developments happen through both independent play and collaborative play. Group music play stations are particularly useful for helping kids improve their emotional and social skills. Not only do these play stations help kids practice sharing and compromise, they'll quickly discover they can make new musical combinations by working together.

While there are many benefits to unstructured musical play, this type of playground equipment is also useful for instruction-based learning. Parents and educators can use them for lessons incorporating popular kid's music, playground games that require music, and more. Music-focused lessons may include learning how to play a favorite short song or making up fun movements to go along with a song. Music equipment can also be used to teach kids concepts from other subjects. Kids can learn about math by counting beats or learn about other cultures through kid's music playground games from around the world.

Search for the perfect playground musical instruments for your facility on AAA State of Play. Our online store offers a fantastic selection of commercial playground equipment and accessories. You can buy outdoor drums, horn panels, combination instrument stations, and more. When you shop with AAA State of Play, we do our very best to guarantee a stellar experience from start to finish. Contact us if you have any questions about choosing the right musical playground equipment for your needs, equipment installation, or any other concerns about your purchase.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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