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Rubber Mulch Calculator

As a web-based playground provider of rubber mulch, AAA State of Play is always trying to achieve above and beyond expectations. Use the rubber playground mulch calculator to calculate the exact amount of mulch you require for your project.

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How deep should my rubber mulch be?
1-2 inches depth is enough rubber mulch for landscaping and gardening needs. American Society for Testing Materials requires a depth of 3-6 inches to meet playground safety standards. This will sufficiently cushion falls from 6-12 feet. Standard residential playsets require a depth of 3 inches while commercial playgrounds with higher equipment require 4-6 inches.
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Playground Surfacing Guide
Top 6 Questions About Rubber Mulch
Make Playground Safety a Priority

1. Is Rubber Mulch Toxic?

The EPA has offically endorsed the material, and has determined that rubber mulch is safe, and preferable, when it comes to cushioning falls on the playground. The EPA tested surface and air samples and found that harmful chemicals are minimal and that rubber mulch is safe.

2. What are the benefits?

Rubber Mulch is durable, low maintenance and an attractive alternative to traditional wood mulch. It also offers superior cushioning properties to break falls and prevent serious injury. Because it is recycled it also helped communities reduce their collective carbon footprint.

3. How many pounds is a bag of rubber mulch?

Most rubber mulch comes in 40-pound bags. However you can also purchase rubber mulch in bulk, saving time and money. It is essential to install a proper border when adding mulch to your play area. Your safety area will last longer and won’t need replacing year after year.

4. Is rubber tire mulch safe?

Yes. Rubber mulch made of recycled rubber tires is safe, non-toxic and makes excellent use of recycled materials. The EPA has worked with state and goverment officials to endorse and increase use of rubber mulch in playground nationwide.

5. How deep does mulch have to be on a playground?

According to the National SafetyCouncil, fall surfaces should be at least 12 inches deep. Our design team works hard to layout each playground in safest manner possible, giving accurate fall height information so that the proper depthof surfacing will be installed on every playground.

6. What is rubber mulch made out of?

Rubber mulch is made of recycled tires that are turned into clean, safe rubber mulch with solar energy. Hundreds of millions of pounds of rubber are recycled each year to create rubber mulch for playgrounds all around the world.

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