For many kids, completing daily homework assignments can be a challenge. Parents often wind up struggling to get kids to do their homework but establishing a routine can remove the hassle and helps kids finish their assignments without a fight. The same homework routine will not necessarily work for all kids, so you may need to experiment a bit to see what works best. While some kids need to get homework done right after school, others need a break.
Organization is important when it comes to homework. Parents should encourage their kids to rank their homework and create a plan for completing it. It can help to have kids organize their homework from easiest to hardest. Encouraging kids to complete the harder assignments first can make the homework routine less stressful as they will not be anticipating the difficult assignment while trying to complete other work.
Kids are often forgetful so having them write down all assignments as well as due dates is helpful. From there, you can help them create a calendar for keeping track of assignments and due dates to ensure everything is submitted on time. It can also be helpful to have a small list of other kids your child can call to get assignments if they forget to write them down or are absent.
Kids should have a regularly scheduled time for doing homework as well as a designated space. Homework spaces should be quiet, with no distractions such as television. It can be helpful to have the space stocked with basic supplies such as paper, pens, and pencils so kids do not waste time looking for necessary materials. Having a designated time and space for completing homework can help kids concentrate and cut down on frustration.
It is important for parents to communicate with teachers. In addition to attending parent teacher conferences and other school events, you should get to know your kids teachers. If you feel that you child is struggling with homework, contact the teacher to see how long the assignment should be taking to complete. If your child is struggling, it may be a sign that a tutor is needed.
While it is important to be aware of your kids homework assignments, and to provide assistance and encouragement when necessary, you should try not to micromanage. Allow kids to try figuring out answers on their own before jumping in. Trying to take over a child's homework can not only lead to frustration but takes away from the learning experience. Older children should be able to complete homework independently.
Praising good work is especially important for younger kids as it can help to build confidence. You should try to stay positive and not overreact to homework or test errors. Parents who encourage kids even when they get an answer wrong will find that children are often more confident in their ability to complete assignments.
Homework can be a nightmare and is not something that most kids or parents enjoy having to do. With a good routine and some patience, parents and kids can survive homework.
Find more about the author: Kim Hart