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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Outdoor Play Amenities for Artistic Children

Outdoor Chalkboards

Kids can write, draw and solve math problems on any of our outdoor chalkboards. They are an amazing tool for teachers and work perfectly for nice days when kids request to have class outside. Keep magnets around to post leaves, flowers or drawings on the magnetic boards for teachable moments. This is just another great way to create an immersive experience in nature. Multi-panel outdoor chalkboards are available to encourage children to draw and write together. Additionally, teachers can have their students start a scavenger hunt and pin their finds to the board along the way. AAA State of Play offers a wide selection of size and mounting options to make sure every outdoor learning environment is suitable for any particular age group or grade level. Made from durable, high-quality materials, outdoor chalkboards are guaranteed to be a favorite among educators, parents and especially the little ones!

Paint Panels & Stations

Painting is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination in young children, a vital skill for development. And setting up an outdoor painting panel or station offers another place for little artists to create their next masterpiece. The ability to paint or draw outside can be exciting for kids and helps foster a love of learning. Our variety of paint panels come in many different sizes with various mounting options to guarantee your outdoor classroom needs are met. In-ground options make the unit permanent to the chosen spot and available to anyone who visits the learning or play area. This option offers extra stability and security, reducing the risks of theft or damage from frequent relocation. On the other hand, portable mounting options allow educators the freedom to move their classroom anywhere they wish at the drop of a hat. They can even bring the station indoors during inclement weather or after school hours.

Performing artistic activities outside is an entirely different experience that kids will love. They can paint under the warm sun and find inspiration for their art in the nature surrounding them. And with outdoor art panels and chalkboards, teachers can take learning to a whole new level.

 Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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