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Interview Series: Learning from @playgrounddad

Interview with Playground Dad!

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike, the Dad behind the @playgrounddad social media presence. His attempts to connect with other parents through Social Media has been wildly successful, so it was great to learn a little more about the man behind the moniker!

1. What are some of the things you've learned since starting your blog?

I've learned lots. I've learned a lot about how Moms and Dad consume information and content differently. I've also learned a lot about how information flows around the internet.

And most importantly, I've learned that there are a ton of dads out there who are really taking their role as dads to the next level. It's great connecting with all of the great dads out there and learning from them.

2. You've connected with a lot of dads, but do you connect with a lot of the moms out there too?

Absolutely. When I first launched the site, my plan was to get the word out to moms so that they shared it with the husbands and dads in their life. I learned early that moms share info online quicker than the dads do.

3. What are some activities you love doing with your kids?

I love building with my kids - Legos, models, you name it. I also love going to the park with them and doing everything from playing soccer to simply pushing them on the swings. We also love watching movies together. Family movie night is big at our house. Our four daughters range in ages from 3-12, so activities that fit for all four can often be a challenge.

4. Knowing what you know now as a parent -- What advice would you have given yourself before you had children?

One of my absolute favorite parenting quotes is by a 17th century English poet named John Wilmot, he says "Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories."

I love the humility in that quote. I would probably tell myself: "Self, you know nothing about the journey you're about to embark on. Don't think you do, because you don't. This is one journey where you have to learn as you go. And what you thought you learned, still may not be the right thing!"

5. How do you encourage more play time? What are some of your tips?

Honestly, to get my kids to play more I have to lead by example. When I put my phone away and kind of loose myself in playing with my kids, it becomes a better experience for them that they seek out more and more. When I fake it, they see right through it and playtime becomes less fun for them. When I'm outside playing with my kids and fully present, they never ask if they can go back to watching TV or playing on the iPad.

Thanks to Mike, for granting the interview! I hope you check out his awesome website, and follow him on Twitter @playgrounddad. All answers by Playground Dad.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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