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How to Play Pickleball: Pickleball Rules

Pickleball is currently the fastest growing sport in America and one of the most popular net sports. And it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. But a lot of people still have the same questions: what is pickleball, and where did this boost in popularity come from?

Pickleball Court

The pickleball court is the same size as a doubles badminton court, measuring 20x44 feet. The net is 36” high at the sidelines, and 34” high in the middle. The court itself is striped similarly to a tennis court, with right and left service courts and a non-volley zone (also known as the kitchen) in front of the net. Courts can be created specifically for pickleball, or existing tennis or badminton courts can be converted into pickleball courts.

Pickleball Rules

There are many rules for pickleball–some of which are similar to other sports, and some that are unique to pickleball. These rules have also been added to and updated over time, as is the case with most sports. The basic rules include…

  1. The ball is served underhanded and diagonally to the opponent’s court without bouncing it off the court.
  2. Following the serve, each side has to make at least one ground-stroke (hitting the ball after it has bounced) before volleying the ball (hitting the ball before it has bounced).
  3. A player cannot volley a ball while standing within the non-volley zone, also called the kitchen.
  4. The server will continue to serve until the serving side faults (fails to return the ball, hits the ball out of bounds, hits the ball into the net, etc.).
  5. Points are scored by the serving side only and occur when the opponent faults.
  6. The first side scoring 11 points and leading by at least a 2-point margin wins the match.

The full list of rules and regulations can be found on the official pickleball website, among other detailed information about how to play the game.

Pickleball Equipment

There are only three main pieces of pickleball equipment that are needed to play the game: the pickleball, the pickleball paddle, and the net. The paddle is smaller than a tennis racquet, but larger than a table tennis paddle. Originally, pickleball paddles were made from only wood. However, in recent years, paddles have started to be crafted from lightweight composite materials, such as aluminum.

The pickleball is another unique piece of equipment, and is very recognizable with the many holes throughout it. While they do look similar to wiffle balls, they do have some minor differences in size and general construction. There are also different ball models for inside games and outside games of pickleball. Balls come in several different colors, but they must be a single color in order to meet the International Federation of Pickleball specifications.

While many places are starting to build pickleball courts due to the increase in the game’s popularity, there are many options for pickleball nets online. There are even portable options being released! The height and setup of the net is specific to pickleball, and differs from similar games such as tennis and badminton.

Pickleball History

Pickleball was created by combining elements of several other racket sports, including badminton, ping-pong, and tennis. This Frankenstein’s Monster-esque sport was created by 14th Lieutenant Governor of Washington, Joel Pritchard, and two of his friends. When returning from a game of golf one Saturday evening in 1965, the men found that their families were bored. To remedy this, they collectively decided to set up a badminton game.

When no one could find a shuttlecock in order to actually play badminton, the families had to get creative. So, they all made their way out onto the court and began experimenting with different kinds of balls and rackets. In the end, a game was created on the badminton court using wiffle balls, table tennis paddles, and a lowered tennis net. Though changes to the equipment would be made over time, this was where the sport officially started.

Pickleball has been growing at an astounding rate in recent years, and has even begun to expand to countries outside of America. There are many reasons that pickleball could be growing in popularity. It is a wonderful social sport that is incredibly easy to learn. It is an ideal game for mixed groups, no matter the age, gender, or skill of the players. It is a low-contact sport that is easy on the body, and full for all sorts of people!

The past few years, in particular, have demonstrated just how much pickleball is taking over. The sport grew 21.3% in 2020, and is still the fastest growing sport in America. Most recently, in 2022, pickleball became the official state sport of Washington, where its creator Joel Pritchard was once governor. There is no sign of a decrease in popularity on the horizon, so it’s doubtful that the popularity of this sport will stall any time soon!

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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