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Grant & Funding Guide for Commercial Playground Equipment

Dear Customer,

Thanks for your submission. Please view the funding guide for several local and national programs. We update the page regularly. Check back often for new grants. Regards, AAA State of Play

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Playgrounds bring enjoyment to children everywhere, so any establishment frequented by youngsters should provide play structures to entertain them. That being said, costs of construction and raw materials often accumulate too much overhead for smaller businesses and organizations, such as charter schools, community daycares, or private medical practices. At AAA State of Play, it’s our belief that access to finances shouldn’t determine which children deserve to have fun. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of Foundations that provide funding to public health and education programs. Grants are indexed nationally and state-by-state, to help partner grassroots organizations with established investors interested in developing the communities they share. Consult your local playground representatives for Additional Information on budgeting and regulations.


National & Regional

Amplify Fund (New England and New York)

M&T Charitable Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: TBA
Award Amount: Varies
First announced in May 2022, the Amplify Fund is a $25 million philanthropic investment as part of the merger of People’s United and M&T Bank. It is committed to deploying $25 million of supplemental charitable giving over 3 years in former People’s United communities throughout New England and New York. The Fund is designed to benefit low and moderate-income communities and under-represented populations using a racial equity and justice lens. They already awarded the first two years of grant awards. The 3rd year of grant opportunities is pending.

Appalachian Regional Commission Grant Program – Area Development Program

ARC is a regional committee authorized by Congress

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Grants from the Appalachian Regional Commission are typically sorted into two general categories: construction and non-construction. Non-profit organizations applying for this grant must align with at least one of the five focus areas set by the ARP: building businesses, workforce ecosystem, community infrastructure, regional culture and tourism, and leaders and local capacity. Appalachian nonprofits must work with their state governments to design impactful investment opportunities supporting ARC’s mission and investment priorities.

Cambia Health Foundation – (ID, OR, UT, WA)

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Cambia Health Foundation seeks to improve the lives of those residing in Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Focus areas include Resilient Children and Families: Pregnancy, Infants and Children up to age 8, Healthy and Connected Aging: Adults age 55+, Health Care Workforce: Paid and Unpaid Caregivers. Refer to the website for current funding opportunities, deadlines and geographic eligibility.

Community Enhancement Grant – (UT, WY, ID) & (OR, WA, CA)

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: June 15th

Award Amount: $2,000-$10,000

The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Rocky Mountain Power. Its mission, through charitable investments, is to support the growth and vitality of local communities. Nonprofit organizations that are interested in funding should apply through the website. Eligible project initiatives include but are not limited to affordable housing, community resilience, community and recreation centers, economic development, libraries, monuments, memorials, and science centers. An organization may also submit a request for small capital funding during any grant cycle. The maximum amount available for small capital grants is $5,000. Applicants must have projects that have a bearing on communities that are served by Rocky Mountain Power or Pacific Power:

  • Rocky Mountain Power — Utah, Wyoming, and Southeastern Idaho.
  • Pacific Power — Oregon, Central/Southeastern Washington and Northern California.

Edwin S Webster Foundation – New England area

Additional Information

Deadline: May 1, November 1

Award Amount: $10,000 - $25,000 (average grant $15,000)

The Edwin S. Webster Foundation is dedicated to supporting 501(c)(3) organizations in the New England area with capital programs, special projects, and operating income. Areas of focus include hospitals; medical research; education; youth agencies; cultural activities; and minority enrichment programs. The Foundation prefers to work with organizations in their community that are well known to them, so don’t expect to earn a grant without developing a prior relationship. The best way to guarantee sponsorship is to gain strong support from a member of the board of trustees. Proposals must be submitted through the Foundation’s online grant system.

KABOOM Community- Built Playspace Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Since 1996, KABOOM! has collaborated with partners to build, open or improve more than 16,700 playgrounds across the country. Depending on your community's needs, available space on your property, and available funding, KABOOM! offers three different types of playspaces. Opportunities for Community-Built Playspace grants are specific to certain cities or metropolitan areas within the U.S. KABOOM! is currently seeking applicants in the list of cities and metropolitan areas on their website. If your community isn't within one of the communities listed, they do not recommend applying at this time. For more details on how the entire process comes together, the Community Build Playgrounds Summary is on the website for download.

Land and Water Conservation “State Side” Grants

National Parks Service

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Land and Water Conservation Fund provides grants to state & local governments in their congressional mandate to safeguard our natural areas, water resources and cultural heritage, and to provide recreation opportunities to all Americans. The first step for potential applicants is to contact the appropriate State office to find out about local application deadlines, state priorities and selection criteria, and what kinds of documentation are required to justify a grant award.

Lowe’s Hometowns

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Lowe’s is investing $100 million to restore and revitalize community spaces across the country through the Lowe’s Hometowns program. Each year through 2026 Lowe’s selects 100 large-scale community projects, chosen from consumer nominations, to be completed in partnership with local nonprofits, Lowe’s store associates and community volunteers. Additionally, nearly 1,700 additional projects are selected and completed by Lowe’s stores, supply chain and store support centers across the country. The 2024 projects have already been chosen. Check their website for info on how to get in on the action in 2025! Lowe’s home improvement stores are located in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Meyer Foundation – Greater Washington Region

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

They support organizations that are building power to achieve a racially and economically just Greater Washington. First step is to submit an Interest Form and within 30 days they will let you know if they want to receive a full application from you. The Foundation defines the Greater Washington Region to include Washington DC, Montgomery and/or Prince George’s counties in Maryland, Arlington, Fairfax and/or Prince William counties and/or the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and/or Manassas Park in VA.

M & T Charitable Foundation – New England, Mid-Atlantic & FL

M & T Bank

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The M & T Charitable Foundation works in partnership with nonprofits that focus on improving the quality of life for their customers, employees and neighbors. Focus areas are education, human services, health care, civic affairs, and arts and culture. Funding decisions are made locally by the people who know their communities best. Refer to the website for the 13 U.S. states that the Foundation serves. Applicants need to begin the grant process by contacting their local M & T representative for assistance.

Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers

U.S. Department of Education

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies – check website. Deadlines are set by states.

Award Amount: Varies

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative is the only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to supporting local after-school, before-school, and summer learning programs. State education agencies receive funds based on their share of Title I funding for low-income students. Grants support local schools and community-based organizations that provide afterschool and summer learning programs to students attending high-poverty, low-performing schools. A broad array of enrichment services designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program could be eligible for funding, such as drug and violence prevention programs, career and technical programs, counseling programs, art programs, music programs, STEM programs, and physical activity and nutrition education programs.

Northwestern Energy - MT, SD, NE

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Northwestern Energy welcomes proposals from 501(c)(3) nonprofits serving the following needs in their service area of Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska: education; health and human services; civic and community; culture and arts; and resource conservation. Northwestern Energy reviews online applications as they are received so organizations should expect a determination letter within twelve weeks or quarterly.

Otto Bremer Trust Grants – MN, MT, ND, WI

Otto Bremer Trust

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Grants are made only to organizations that serve the residents of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Wisconsin. Their focus areas are basic needs, community asset building, health and well-being, and restorative and emergency services. They do not fund municipal infrastructure projects including emergency response equipment, parks and playgrounds. If seeking playground funding, you’d have to weave it into a grant on private land. If you are a first-time applicant, they recommend contacting the Trust to discuss your project.

Philip L. Graham Fund (DC, MD, and VA)

Additional Information

Deadline: April 25th, July 1, and Dec. 2 Mandatory Letter of Inquiry first

Award Amount: Varies

From its inception, the Fund’s mission has been to use its resources for the betterment of the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Grantees include large, regional organizations as well as small, community-based groups. Their areas of focus are health & human services, education, arts & humanities, and community endeavors. The Community Endeavor grants have supported a broad spectrum of organizations, such as institutions of national significance located in the metropolitan area as well as the improvement of local parks and playgrounds.

Safety/Wellness Grant – (UT, WY, ID) & (OR, WA, CA)

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Dec 15th

Award Amount: $2,000-$10,000

The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Rocky Mountain Power. Its mission, through charitable investments, is to support the growth and vitality of local communities. Nonprofit organizations that are interested in funding should apply through the website. Eligible project initiatives include but are not limited to addiction, disability resources, disaster relief, domestic violence, first responders, food insecurity, healthcare accessibility, homeless support, mental health, public safety initiatives, veteran organizations, wellness, and preventative care. An organization may also submit a request for small capital funding during any grant cycle. The maximum amount available for small capital grants is $5,000. Applicants must have projects that have a bearing on communities that are served by Rocky Mountain Power or Pacific Power:

  • Rocky Mountain Power — Utah, Wyoming, and Southeastern Idaho.
  • Pacific Power — Oregon, Central/Southeastern Washington and Northern California.

TD Charitable Foundation Regional Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Applications are accepted on a bimonthly basis

Award Amount: Minimum to apply for is $5,000

TD Charitable Foundation has a mission to support, respect, and improve the quality of life in the diverse communities they serve. Their four priorities for funding are better health, connected communities, financial security, vibrant planet. Email for questions about your regional grant:

New England:

New York, Southern CT, and Northern New Jersey—Bergen/Passaic counties:

Pennsylvania and Central, Southern and Coastal New Jersey:


Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C., North Carolina, and South Carolina:


Umpqua Bank Community Grants – CA, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: June 12, Sept 4

Award Amount: $5,000-$10,000

Umpqua Bank’s Community Grants are available for nonprofits serving in the 6 states that have Umpqua Banks. In the grant application is a more specific listing of communities that have Umpqua bank locations, and these are the areas of eligibility. Priority is given to projects that serve moderate to low income or under-resourced areas, and those who engage current Umpqua associates as volunteers. Focus areas are economically vibrant communities, healthy communities, inclusive communities, sustainable communities. Online application is required.

Welborn Baptist Foundation – Tri-State Region: IN, IL, KY

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Welborn Baptist Foundation accepts grant applications from nonprofits located in and serving 14 counties in the Tri-State region: Indiana: Dubois, Gibson, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Warrick Counties Illinois: Gallatin, Saline, Wabash, Wayne, and White Counties Kentucky: Henderson County. Their areas of focus are early learning, healthy eating and active living, Christ-centered living, and nonprofit excellence.

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Foundations and Corporations

Action for Healthy Kids

District Partnership Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Action for Healthy Kids provides schools and districts the resources for students to be healthy in body and mind and better prepared to learn.

Aetna Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Aetna Foundation is committed to expanding healthcare access to low-income and minority communities, which are often underserved. Aetna offers grants by invitation to nonprofit organizations that align with their values and commitment to building healthier communities.

Amcor Cares Community Support Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Quarterly

Award Amount: $1,000 or more

Amcor Cares is dedicated to communities in which there is an Amcor facility. Check the website for the states in which there is a facility. This grant is meant for those looking to receive donations over $1,000 and is reviewed quarterly. Applicants should expect notification of status in the following quarter. Priorities include fighting hunger and homelessness, disaster relief, expanding STEM education, building life skills, improving health and wellness, and promoting arts and culture.

American Express Grant Program

American Express

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Prospective grantees must be invited to submit a grant. American Express does not actively solicit applications for grants and new partnerships. Nonprofits may submit info on their organization’s objectives by email to Each year between November and January, Amex reviews submitted info and may seek further information from organizations that align with their priorities. American Express employees are encouraged to be active members of their communities and empowered to make a difference through programs: Serve2Gether – Employees can engage in pro-bono volunteer work and receive micro-grants to organizations where they volunteer 25+ hours per year. •Give2Gether - Eligible charitable contributions are matched by up to $8,000 per year.

Applied Materials Foundation – AZ, CA, ID, MA, MI, MT, NY, OR, TX, UT, VA,

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 15th, June 15th, Sept 30 (Girls Empowerment)

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation provides funding to organizations providing programs and services in the following focus areas: Education, Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, Environment and Girls Empowerment. They prioritize projects that address community needs in sites where Applied Materials does business, and welcome opportunities to engage employees with local grant recipients. All submissions must go through the online portal. Applied Materials Foundation evaluates requests and sends out responses about 60 days after grant submission.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: February and June

Award Amount: $2,500-$50,000

The Bank of America Foundation’s grant funding aims to build thriving communities by addressing issues fundamental to economic mobility, including workforce development and education, community development, and basic needs.

Bayer Fund

Bayer USA Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 1st- Feb. 28th and July 1st- Aug. 31st

Award Amount: Varies

The Bayer Fund’s focus is to provide support in three major areas: food and nutrition, STEM education, and health and wellness. They concentrate their efforts in rural areas and where a majority of their employees live and work: St. Louis, MO, Northern New Jersey, Pittsburgh, PA, and Berkeley, CA. Applications are accepted by invitation only, and applicants must be located within about 55 miles of an eligible Bayer site community.

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation National Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $30,000

The Ben and Jerry’s Foundation national grants goal is to further racial equity and social and environmental justice by supporting community organizations working to dismantle discriminatory systems to make way for a more just and inclusive society for all. The National Grassroots Organizing (NGO) program is a two-year unrestricted general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year. Nonprofits with annual budgets over $350,000 are not eligible. Letters of interest (by mail or email) are not accepted. You must demonstrate how your project is linked to grassroots social change. Start the process by taking their eligibility questionnaire online.

Black Hills Energy Charitable Giving – AR, CO, IA, KS, NE, SD, WY

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies 

Black Hills Energy awards contributions or sponsorships to eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits located or serving within Black Hills service area of AR, CO, IA, KS, NE, SD, WY. Their key priorities are responsible energy, environmental stewardship, education and workforce development, strong communities, helping people. Applications are accepted year-round through the foundation’s website. Applicants should apply at least 6 months before needing funding, and allow 120 days for a response. Stories are on their website about recent fundraising they did for a playground, and volunteer labor they recruited to help with playground installation.

BNSF Railway Foundation Grants

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $1,000-$10,000

The Foundation is dedicated to supporting the communities they serve and where their employees live, work, and volunteer. Applicant organizations should exist in or serve a community near one of BNSF’s rail lines to be considered for grants. Please refer to the BNSF system map included in the Policies section to determine whether you are located on a BNSF route. Strong preference is given to requests concerning environmental, sustainability or conservation projects, health & human services, or cultural and historic preservation. Priority will be given to organizations having an established relationship with the BNSF Railway Foundation.

Cathay Bank Foundation CA, IL, MA, MD, NV, NY, NJ, TX, WA

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Cathay Bank Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant apps. Your nonprofit must be invited to submit a Letter of Interest by Cathay Bank or a Foundation officer. If the Foundation is interested in your LOI project, they will ask you to submit a full application. Their focus is on helping nonprofits serving a majority of low to moderate-income people and/or communities in these areas: community & economic development, education, health & welfare. Nonprofits must serve or be located in the communities that Cathay Bank serves.

Centene Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Spring Cycle Mar 1-May 31/Fall Cycle Sept 1-Nov 29

Award Amount: Varies

Centene is the largest Medicaid managed care organization in the country and they believe that the best way to deliver healthcare is locally. They seek nonprofit partner organizations to help them carry out their mission. The main funding priorities of the Foundation are education, social services, and healthcare access. Nonprofit organizations that are interested in applying for funding must submit an online application.

Chisholm Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 1st and Sept. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

The Chisholm Foundation aims to fund nonprofit organizations that align with its vision of supporting education, the arts, and religion, and welcomes applications from anywhere in the U.S. The Foundation awards grants twice a year, in May and November. All applications must be submitted no later than March 1st and September 1st to receive funding in time. The Foundation is interested in new or demonstration projects that can be continued and expanded with the help of additional financial supporters. They encourage applicants to seek matching gifts or challenge grants to magnify Foundation funds.

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

Quality of Life Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: Twice yearly – Spring and Fall

Award Amount: $5,000-$24,999

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation focus their efforts on programs that positively affect individuals and families living with paralysis. Their Tier 1 grants are open-focused to support a wide range of projects and activities. In 2023, they began an initiative called Outdoors for Everyone to ensure the great outdoors is equally accessible and inclusive for all people – including those living with paralysis, their families and caregivers.

The Coca-Cola Foundation Grants

The Coca-Cola Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Coca-Cola Foundation is a highly competitive funder because it offers grants in the U.S. and globally. In the U.S. they often prioritize their “hometown” of Atlanta, GA. The foundation wants to invest in transformative ideas and institutions. They have recently refreshed their focus to address sustainable access to water, a circular economy, climate resilience, disaster preparedness and response, economic empowerment, and causes impacting Atlanta. Grant requests must be submitted through the online application system.

Community Impact Grants – AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IL, IN, MA, NC, NJ, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, WI

Campbell Soup Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies – grants are invitation only by the local Campbell facility

Award Amount: Varies

Campbell Soup Foundation’s Community Impact Grants provide funding to organizations that align with the Foundation’s three focus areas: increasing food access, encouraging healthy living, and nurturing Campbell’s neighborhoods. Employees from each of their locations nominate local nonprofits in their community to apply for grants. Refer to the website to see if your organization is in or near communities in the 16 states where Campbell’s Soup has a presence.

CSX Community Service Grant

CSX Corporation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $1,000-$5,000

CSX awards grants to eligible non-profit organizations that make a strong, quantifiable impact on their greater communities. The online grant application is open 12 months a year. Applicants are encouraged to apply early and with one funding request. Every effort is made to respond to applications within 30–45 days. Check the website – this grant is available in 23 states and the District of Columbia.

The Dekko Foundation Grants – AL, IN, IA, MN

Chester E. Dekko Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Dekko Foundation awards grants in parts of Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota. The foundation believes children and young people from birth through age 18 are naturally wired to achieve economic freedom through their own development and by being in learning environments that support their self-sufficiency. When they have opportunities to connect their skills and talents to careers, they further their ability to create goods and services for others. It is through the creation of value for others within our democracy and free-enterprise system that they can earn, build, use, and share their wealth in the manner they choose. In other words, they have achieved economic freedom. Submit a proposal at least 90 days before you would like to receive a response from the foundation. Their board considers grant proposals six times each year in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Dog Park Fund

My Darling Theo Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Dog Park Fund is available to organizations all over the country to help communities build and maintain a community Dog Park. Meeting new people, socializing pets, and implementing vital exercise are just a few benefits of establishing pet-safe and pet-friendly spaces. To support these valuable community assets, the general public donates money to build up the fund. The Foundation will have a call for grant submissions quarterly, and the winner is chosen through online voting by the general public.

Dr. Scholl Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Accept proposals from Oct 1 – Mar 1

Award Amount: $5,000-$25,000

The Dr. Scholl Foundation grants funding nationwide in the areas of education, social services, healthcare, civic and culture, and environmental. The online application becomes available on Oct 1. Applicant organizations must submit a Letter of Interest at any time after that, and the foundation will respond within 5 business days. If an organization receives an invitation to submit a grant, the grant is due on March 1 of the following year.

Duke Energy Grant (NC, SC, FL, OH, KY, IN)

Duke Energy Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Duke Energy Foundation grants respond to the unique needs of each of the states in which they operate to maximize impact for communities. Check the website for your individual state’s grant deadlines and criteria. Duke Energy operates within and distributes grants to nonprofit organizations in the states of NC, SC, FL, OH, KY, and IN.

Education Equity Fund Grants – AZ, CA, ID, MA, MI, NM, NY, OR, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA

KLA Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: April for LOI, July 5 for full grant app if approved to apply

Award Amount: $50,000-$250,000 per year for 1, 2, or 3 years

KLA Foundation strategically partners with organizations that know their communities best to create upstream solutions for sustainable change and empower their employees to get involved in causes that are close to their hearts. One of their major grant initiatives is the Education Equity Fund. The open period for Letters of Interest is April 1-30. If the Foundation is interested in your full application, the deadline for that is July 5. Funds are disbursed in September.

Entergy Corporate & Foundation Grants

Entergy Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies – check website

Award Amount: Varies

Entergy offers several types of grants, but appears to focus on their service area of the Gulf States of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Applicants for any grant are required to contact theContributions Coordinator in their area. Microgrants up to $1000 are awarded in all program areas: arts & culture, community improvement/enrichment, economic development, education/literacy, environment & healthy families. The Open Grants program focuses on improving communities as a whole in the areas of arts & culture, education & workforce development, poverty solutions & social services, healthy families & community improvement. The Charitable Foundation supports initiatives that focus on education and workforce development, poverty solutions, and environmental programs. Organizations seeking assistance should plan on submitting applications at least three months prior to when the funds are needed. Entergy Charitable Foundation funds these types of organizations: public charities, 501c3 nonprofits, schools, hospitals, state or local governments, war veterans organizations, and volunteer fire departments.

Foss Foundation (June and Julian) AZ, CA, FL, OR, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1st - May 31st Open grant application period once a year

Award Amount: Up to $5,000

The June and Julian Foss Foundation supports projects and programs directed toward children and the young, especially those with a mental illness or physical disability. It is a small family foundation with no staff or office. It is run entirely by family member-volunteers. A grant applicant must agree to receive a site visit from a Foundation (family) member in order to apply for a grant. During the open period, you can access an online eligibility quiz to determine your eligibility to apply for a grant. If you are deemed eligible, you will have immediate access to the online grant portal and you can begin your online grant application. Applications are accepted from organizations located in or serving specific cities within the following states: AZ, CA, FL, OR, WA. Check the website to see a list of the cities. Due to their volunteer structure, they only accept electronic methods of contact and replies may take a while.

Georgia-Pacific Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Georgia-Pacific Foundation issues grants that support GP communities. If your organization is located outside of Metro Atlanta, you will need to contact the GP facility in your community for support consideration. Applications are accepted on a rolling deadline with amounts varying depending on the project. The foundation seeks to support those organizations whose mission aligns with their funding priorities: Four E’s - Education, Environment, Enrichment of Community, Entrepreneurship. Grant applicants must successfully pass the Eligibility Quiz.

Honda Community Grants

The Honda USA Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Fall – watch the website

Award Amount: $25,000 to $100,000

The Honda USA Foundation opens its grant application in the fall and distributes approved funding the following spring. Nonprofit organizations, public school districts, and private/public elementary and secondary schools are eligible for funding. All organizations must be focused on supporting communities within close proximity to a Honda location. Grant awards must address Honda’s priorities: Education, Environment, Mobility, Traffic Safety, and Community.

Humana Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb and May

Award Amount: Varies

The Humana Foundation focuses on four primary commitments, all of which have different grant periods and change according to available funds. “Connected healthy lives” is the only focus with open grant availability. All of the others are by invitation only. Humana puts an emphasis on their impact communities of FL, LA, Louisville KY, and TX.

Keen Effect Grants


Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Keen strives to fund grassroots organizations that grow the next generation of environmental stewards. Programs or projects should inspire youth through experiences in the outdoors through play, scientific education, or stewardship programs. Projects should engage diverse audiences and meet the unique needs of the community served. Funded organizations are expected to work collaboratively with Keen to share the success of the project.

Kerr Foundation Challenge Grant – AR, CO, KS, MO, NM, OK, TX

Additional Information

Deadline: April 30 Letter of Inquiry and June 30 if full application is requested by Foundation

Award Amount: Varies

The Kerr Foundation will fund non-profit organizations in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, and Texas, but their priority is Oklahoma. Applying Organizations should serve youth in the community and have a focus on education, health, cultural development, and community service. The Kerr Foundation most often awards challenge grants, which are matching grants. Before receiving Kerr Foundation funding, the recipient organization must first secure matched funding. The grant application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry. Check the website for details.

Krieger Fund (Zanvyl and Isabelle)

Additional Information

Deadline: March 1st and Sept. 1st

Award Amount: $2,500-$25,000

The Krieger Foundation awards grants twice per year. The Board of Directors meets in June and December. The Fund focuses on advocacy efforts and direct service programs in the following areas: Housing and community development, Behavioral health and healing, Environmental justice, Families with young children birth to three years old. The process for new grant requests is: Submit a letter of intent. If your organization is considered a good fit with the mission and priorities of the Krieger Fund, an in-person meeting will be scheduled. After the meeting, a full proposal may be requested.

Lattner Family Foundation – FL, GA, KS, RI

Additional Information

Deadline: March 1st and Sept. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation accepts grant applications from nonprofits located in or serving Palm Beach County, FL, GA, KS, RI. Their areas of giving include health and social services, education, arts and humanities, environment, and Christian organizations providing such services. No applications accepted by phone or email.

Lawrence Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: April 30th and Oct. 31st

Award Amount: $5,000-$10,000

The Lawrence Foundation awards grants twice per year. They have no geographic limitations on applicant organizations, and all grants that they award are unrestricted funds. The foundation prefers to fund applications in the area of environment, human services, and other pressing issues. Applications are reviewed and awarded twice annually in June and December. Online application is required, but there is no Letter of Inquiry before applying.

Louder Than Words Grants

Finish Line Youth Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies – check the website

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

The Finish Line Youth Foundation aims to support nonprofit organizations that work to make a positive impact on diverse and underserved communities. These grants will be awarded to nonprofits that make a difference in their corporate Indianapolis neighborhood as well as communities across the country. Applicants need to review the information and criteria on the website, complete the eligibility quiz, and fill out the online application. Differing grant cycles focus on health & wellness, workforce development, and safe communities.

Mott Foundation Education Grants

The Mott Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Mott Foundation has four categories for grant programs: civil society, education, environment, and the Flint area. But the Education and Flint Area grants could be appropriate for seeking playground equipment funding. Applicants are encouraged to submit a Letter of Inquiry using the foundation’s online form to describe their project. The letter should describe the purpose and objectives of the project, general methodology, and total cost of the project. The foundation will reply informing the applicant whether they are interested in learning more and whether to submit a grant application.

The Packard Foundation (David and Lucile)

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

One of the Foundation’s goals is to invest in families, prioritizing the importance of children having a healthy start and promoting resilient and vibrant communities where children and families thrive, so they have the power to shape their lives. The Foundation announces on their website Requests for Proposals throughout the year. Check the website for funding opportunities, search five years of past grants, and register on the Grantee Portal.


Community Grant Program

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies, usually in the Fall

Award Amount: $5,000-$10,000

The PeopleForBikes grant supports bicycle infrastructure projects and targeted advocacy initiatives that make cycling an accessible activity for everyone of all ages and abilities. Their top priority is funding infrastructure projects that improve a community’s City Ratings score by building connections in a low-stress bikeway network or improving access to recreational amenities. Grants should support the material costs of infrastructure construction or non-material costs directly related and necessary to getting infrastructure built.

Project A-Game

7/11 Corporate

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Project A-Game program provides funds to nonprofit organizations that support youth development through play and education. 7-11 Franchisees and Corporate Store Leaders contribute to youth development in their communities by applying for grants to support local schools, youth sports organizations, law enforcement agencies, and community organizations. Grants have been used to underwrite initiatives including math and science projects, tutoring, school supplies, and sporting equipment to ensure children have the resources and inspiration they need to stay in school.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is dedicated to building a culture of health and healthy communities. They believe that where we live should not determine how long or well we live. The foundation has partnered with various organizations across the nation to support efforts to create or expand the systems that result in the healthiest and most equitable communities. This foundation monitors trends in its fields of interest on a continual basis to adjust grantmaking services and achieve the greatest impact. If you are interested in pursuing a RWJF grant, request to be put on their email list.

Rural Initiative – CO, HI, MN, NY, TX, WY

Laura Jane Musser Fund

Additional Information

Deadline: October 3rd

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

Rural communities of fewer than 10,000 residents are the focus of this grant. Funding is available for a new project or program within the first 3 years. There are planning grants of up to $5,000 and implementation grants of up to $25,000. Large capital expenses are not funded in this grant. 501C3s and local units of government are eligible to apply.

Shade Structure Grant

American Academy of Dermatology Association

Additional Information

Deadline: December 15 with awards the following March

Award Amount: Up to $8,000

The AAD’s Shade Structure Program is open to all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that provide services and programs to youth 18 and under. It awards funds to schools, day-cares, parks, and other non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures where children learn and play. Each shade structure award is a maximum of $8,000, which includes the cost for shade structure materials and installation. An AAD Dermatologist letter of recommendation is required during the application process. Demonstrate an ongoing commitment to sun safety within your organization. A safety/skin cancer awareness program must be in place at least one year before application.

Sundt Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: March 15th, June 15th, Sept. 15th, and Dec. 15th

Award Amount: $2,500-$25,000

The Sundt Foundation awards over $1 million in grants to a wide array of organizations in the U.S. Local committees of employees decide which organizations to fund in the Foundation’s 11 giving locations. They focus especially on under-served children and teens, domestic violence victims, and military veterans and their families. Nonprofits applying for a grant must be operating for at least one year and have an operating budget of $100,000 or more.

Toyota 4Good Grants – AL, IN, KY, MS, MO, NC, TN, TX, WV

Toyota USA Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Toyota USA Foundation funds organizations in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia. Nationally, Toyota focuses on diversity + inclusion, community sustainability, inclusive mobility, and workforce readiness. Regionally, Toyota makes contributions to help support the specific needs of local communities. Deadlines and grant specifics vary by state. Refer to the website for info on North American manufacturing centers’ grants and apply to the Toyota that most closely serves your area.

Union Pacific Foundation Local Grants

Community Ties Giving Program

Additional Information

Deadline: May 31st

Award Amount: $5,000-$30,000

The Foundation’s grantmaking priorities and objectives have changed recently. Their Community Spaces priority is now Community Vitality with a goal of cultivating unique cultural and recreational experiences and equipping community members with opportunities to live healthy, vital lives. Review the website for more information on this and other priorities.

The Wallace Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Their key values are equity, evidence, and partnership. Their mission is to foster equity and improvements in learning and enrichment for young people and in the arts for everyone. They collaborate with grantees to develop new knowledge and insights to help solve important problems in their areas of interest. They sometimes run open calls for proposals. Check the website for updates.

Walmart Foundation

Spark Good Local Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: Quarterly – Apr 15, July 15, Oct 15, Dec 31

Award Amount: $250-$5,000

The Walmart Foundation awards local community grants to nonprofits that have programs benefiting the local Walmart store service area. The local store management reviews applications and makes initial funding recommendations. Grant awards are disbursed through electronic payments only.

Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund

Additional Information

Deadline: September 30th

Award Amount: $1,000 or More

The Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund supports U.S. and Canadian communities where they have a significant presence or business interest. These communities range from rural to metropolitan, each with unique priorities and needs. Their employees serve on local advisory committees and help develop funding priorities within seven focus areas to support their communities: affordable housing; education and youth development; environmental stewardship; human services; civic and cultural growth; workforce development; and diversity, equity and inclusion. Applications are reviewed throughout the year on an ongoing basis. Refer to the website for the states and geographic areas that they serve.

Woodward Fund (David, Helen & Marian)

Administered by Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1st and Sept. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund’s mission is to make this a better world for those who come after us. They provide support in areas such as education, environment, animals, health, human services, international/foreign affairs, public/society benefits, arts/culture/humanities, and religion. To be eligible, applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations. Grants are limited geographically to Georgia or one of its neighboring states. Historically, preference has been given to organizations in Georgia.

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Alabama Power Foundation Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: June and December

Award Amount: Varies

Those non-profit organizations serving Alabama may be eligible to apply for a grant from the Alabama Power Foundation. The Alabama Power Foundation funds organizations with initiatives in the following areas: Educational Advancement, Civic and Community Development, Arts and Cultural Enrichment, Health and Human Services, and Environmental Stewardship. If you are seeking $10,000 or less, contact a Division representative to discuss applying. If you are seeking $10,000 or more, you can apply online.

Central Alabama Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

CACF’s charitable funds support projects and programs in education, health, human services, cultural arts, recreation, historic preservation and other civic concerns. Check the website to see grants available in your area. Central Alabama serves Montgomery, Lowndes and Macon Counties; Autauga Area serves Autauga County; Elmore County serves Elmore County; Southeast Alabama serves Coffee, Dale, Geneva, Henry and Houston Counties.

Community Development Block Grant

Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Max $400,000-$500,000

This grant is administered by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs and funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Community Enhancement Fund should be used to improve the quality of life in Alabama communities. In the past, this grant has been awarded to Boys & Girls Clubs, community centers, and recreation facilities. Deadlines are announced during the first quarter annual workshop.

Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $5,000 to $100,000 (average grant $35,000)

Grant cycles open in the Spring and Fall. The Community Foundation focuses on areas that include: thriving communities, equality and inclusion, regional cooperation, economic opportunity for all, and overcoming persistent poverty. The Community Foundation’s goal is to give hope for the future through providing for community members. Check the website for grant deadlines, past successful grantees, and the counties served by these grants.

Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 31st and July 31st for Letter of Intent

Award Amount: Varies

The Joseph S. Bruno Charitable Foundation accepts Letters of Inquiry twice per year at the end of January and July. If selected for a full application, organizations will be notified in February and August. Strong and successful applications will include a successful track record of success, community collaborations, broad use of financial support, and proven program effectiveness. Applying organizations must be within the Greater Birmingham area.

Malone Family Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: November 15th for Letter of Intent

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation accepts Letters of Inquiry in November annually with full grant proposals due from selected organizations in December. Award recipients will be notified at the beginning of February. Organizations that focus on requests in the areas of providing opportunities and expanding the horizons of children and young adults will receive priority funding. The direct objectives should focus on providing better education, promoting self-esteem, and instilling a desire to improve oneself.

Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb. 1st, May 1st, Aug. 1st, and Nov. 1st/Black Belt Region by Jan 16 & Jul 16

Award Amount: $2,500 to $1,000,000

Established in 2009, the Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation provides grants to organizations in Alabama communities. Their major focuses include Education, Neighborhood Revitalization, the Environment and Green Spaces, Arts and Culture, and Positioning Strategic Community Assets. Grants from the Goodrich Foundation are designed to target the Black Belt and Birmingham metro areas. Program grants are awarded up to $30,000. Capital campaign grants are considered throughout the year.

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Alaska Community Foundation Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Targeted grants are available through the Alaska Community Foundation to various regions throughout Alaska. Grants are received through a competitive grant process or under the recommendation of board members. Grants range in size based on the region served. Check the Alaska Community Foundation website for information regarding specific grants available.

Charlotte Martin Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: June 1st, Decision by July 30

Award Amount: Up to $20,000

Charlotte Martin Foundation is focused on increasing opportunities for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) youth in the areas of education, cultural expression and athletics. Also promoting biodiversity in a changing climate. The Board is excited to fund small organizations, as well as projects where smaller grants can make a large impact.

First National Bank Alaska

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amounts: Varies

The bank contributes $1 million annually to charities and community events. The Donation Request Application Form is online. Contribution requests are reviewed monthly. First National’s grant priorities are community or public service, health and education, arts and humanities, and youth and senior citizens.

Homer Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Homer Foundation’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of the greater Homer area by promoting philanthropic and charitable activities. They have several grant opportunities. The $5,000 Quick Response grant is available all year with a 30 day response time. Applications are considered at a meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. $5,000 Community Impact grants begin with a Letter of Inquiry but contact staff before submitting. The City of Homer grants application is due on March 1 annually.

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Arizona Diamondbacks Program Grants

Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $1,000-$5,000

Arizona Diamondbacks Program Grants are given statewide to non-profit organizations in the amounts of $1,000 to $5,000 for programmatic expenses that directly impact the clients served by the organization. All 501(c)3 non-profit organizations located in Arizona are welcome to apply for funding to serve the people of Arizona. Focus areas include homelessness, indigent health care and youth programs. Programs operated by schools and/or youth sports leagues are typically not funded through this process. Check the website for 2024 grant announcement deadline!

Arizona Public Service

Community Impact Grant

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Arizona Public Service provides the Community Impact Grant in an effort to help the diverse needs of the community. Their areas of focus are education and employment, small business and entrepreneurship, community development, arts and culture, human services and environment. Grant applications are open from February 1st until October 15th annually. All applications must be submitted during this time to be considered for funding. All applications are required to be a onetime all-inclusive annual request for an organization. Nonprofits within their service territories may apply once annually through an online application process. They are committed to reviewing all grant requests within 60 days of submission.

Arizona State Parks & Trails

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Arizona State Parks and Trails works with federal, state, county and municipal governments, as well as tribes, clubs and non-profits to help fund outdoor recreation educational programs, projects that build recreational motorized and non-motorized trails, trail facilities, and playgrounds. These grants can be used to develop ball fields, ramadas, picnic tables, grills, and tennis and basketball courts to name a few. Funds can also be used to increase outdoor recreational opportunities for those with disabilities. If you are considering building accessible trails, outdoor recreation facilities and/or educational-related projects, their grant programs could help you reach that goal. Contact the grants team at with questions about grants or the application process.

Cardinals Charities

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

This is the charity founded in 1990 by the Arizona Cardinals NFL team. It supports programs that improve life and increase opportunities for children, women and minorities in Arizona. Grants are awarded on an annual basis to organizations whose programs align with the Charity’s mission.

75% of funding awarded must be spent in Arizona. There is a list of past year’s grantees on the website. There is only one grant period each year but organizations may reapply annually. Check the website for 2024 grant period announcement.

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Arkansas Community Foundation

Giving Tree Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb 15 and Aug 15

Award Amount: Varies

The Giving Tree Grants are managed locally by participating affiliate offices. Various grants are available through the Arkansas Community Foundation. Each grant awarded through the foundation targets specific giving areas designated by the donor. Areas include county-specific grants, projects that support history and education, programs serving African Americans, and summer learning initiatives. Individual applications and information can be found on the Arkansas Community Foundation website. Deadlines and award amounts vary.

Arkansas Fun Park Grants

Arkansas Office of Outdoor Recreation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Up to $100,000 (no match required)

Municipalities in Arkansas with 7,500 or less population and unincorporated communities can apply for a Fun Park grant annually. Funding can be used to develop most types of outdoor facilities, and projects should be completed within two years of grant award. An engineer, architect or other approved licensed design professional is required for all FUN Park projects. Applicants may receive a FUN Park grant once every five years. Grantee will be issued the entire grant amount prior to project development.

Blue & You Foundation

For a Healthier Arkansas

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $5,000 – $200,000

The three types of grants they offer are Social Determinants of Health grants, Maternal and Pediatric Health grants, and Behavioral Health grants. Check the website for deadlines and specific grant requirements.

Rural Community Grant Program

Arkansas Rural Development Commission

Additional Information

Deadline: Applications accepted August thru March every year

Award Amount: Up to $15,000 (match required)

Incorporated towns in Arkansas with 3,000 or less population and unincorporated rural communities can apply for up to $15,000 in matching grants. Communities wishing to apply for projects under the program must provide one half of the cost of the project as a match. Match may be a mix of in-kind labor, in-kind materials or cash and must be available at the time of application. Past grantees have received funding for baseball/softball fields, community centers, walking tracks, park and playground equipment, pavilions, and picnic tables.

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100 Women Charitable Foundation

Impact Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Letter of Inquiry due June 15.

Award Amount: $40,000 or More

Applying organizations must serve Santa Clara or San Mateo Counties and must be invited to submit a Letter of Inquiry by a current voting member of the 100 Women Charitable Foundation. Only 45 LOI are accepted each year. After having your LOI accepted, a full grant app is due Aug 30. If you are chosen to continue the application process, the deadline for site visits and financials is Oct-Nov. Grant awards are announced in January. Award amounts vary from year to year but organizations should show a need for the full grant amount of $40,000. Proposals should focus on one of three areas: education, family, or health and wellness.

Annenberg Foundation Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Their grantmaking is by invitation only. They give priority to nonprofit organizations serving the Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties that are well-integrated into the fabric of the communities they serve. They evaluate whether an organization has established best practices as it relates to diversity, financial sustainability, infrastructure, board governance, staff development, programs & services, collaboration, and networks with peers.

Atkinson Foundation Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb. 1st, May 1st, Aug. 1st, and Nov. 1st

Award Amount: $5,000 to $15,000

The Atkinson Foundation provides opportunities for residents of San Mateo County. The Foundation distributes around one million dollars each year. Most grants land between the $5,000 to $15,000 range, depending on project size. Primary consideration is given to programs that benefit children, youth and families, immigrants, the elderly, those at-risk economically, people with mental and/or physical conditions, those recovering from addiction, victims of physical abuse.

California Wellness Foundation

Advancing Wellness Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The California Wellness Foundation envisions a future where everyone in California can experience health and wellness. Check their website. They provide step by step instructions on how to apply for a grant, including eligibility.

HealthTrust Community Grants


Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $2,500

Grant requests should align with the mission of The Health Trust to build health equity in Silicon Valley. Requests may include, but are not limited to: annual fundraisers, health fairs, and projects that support community health. Event or project must be held in Santa Clara County and/or Northern San Benito County. Requests must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the event or project start date and can generally expect a response within 30 days. Organizations are eligible to receive one (1) Community Grant per fiscal year. The Health Trust encourages new applicants to apply for funding.

Los Angeles Lakers Youth Foundation Quarterly Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 15th, June 15th, Sept. 15th and Dec. 15th

Award Amount: $1,000 - $20,000

The Lakers Youth Foundation awards quarterly grants to support youth programs or projects that closely align with the Foundation’s priority areas of education, health and wellness, and sports. The Foundation funds programs that have existed for at least two years and can demonstrate success. The Foundation will not fund new programs or those outside of Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside or Orange County.

Weinberg Foundation – SF Bay Area

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation’s grantmaking covers the entire Bay Area, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties. All grants must align with the Foundation’s focus areas: Housing, Health, Jobs, Education, and Community Services. The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. Grants serve a range of individuals, including women at risk and their children, older adults, people with disabilities, and the Jewish community. The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaii, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership.

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Adolph Coors Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Mar 1st, July 1st, and Nov. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

Nonprofit applicants must operate in Colorado; special consideration is given to rural Colorado nonprofits. Areas of interest the foundation prefers to fund include youth development, adult work programs, and public policy. Grants are reviewed three times per year in March, July, and November. There is no set award amount, rather grants are awarded by the organization’s operating budget and the scale of the project. Grants are awarded about four months after submission.

Ballantine Family Fund

Community Foundation of Southwest Colorado

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $2,000-$5,000

The Ballantine Family Fund is a general-purpose fund that accepts grants for a wide array of projects and services including arts and culture, environment, animal protection, education, human services, and youth. Nonprofit organizations are eligible for this grant if they serve Southwest Colorado which includes Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, and San Juan counties.

Colorado Health Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb. 15th, June 15th

Award Amount: Varies

Colorado Health Foundation believes that health is a basic human right and they are bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state. Their website is full of information on the various grants they offer and recent grantees. One of their grant offerings is “Equitable Community-Designed Outdoor Spaces” with $25,000-$50,000 planning grants to support community engagement and co-design activities. They suggest that playgrounds and parks across Colorado can allow children and families to become co-designers of their own reimagined spaces for physical activity. Their grants are offered to both 501C3s and public agencies.

Daniels Fund - Colorado

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Daniels Fund’s main priorities are helping people with disabilities, early childhood education, homelessness, K-12 education reform, drug and alcohol addiction, amateur sports, youth development, and aging. Applicants who feel that they are a good fit with the Foundation’s priorities should fill out an inquiry form on the grants portal. You will receive an email confirmation that your inquiry was received. After review, the Foundation will notify you whether they want you to submit a full application or not.

El Pomar Foundation Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The El Pomar Foundation is a general-purpose charitable organization that approves funding for a wide variety of focus areas for use in Colorado, such as arts and culture, civic/community initiatives, education, health and human services. Check the website to review their specialized grant funds and competitive funding grants. The Foundation accepts applications on a rolling basis throughout the year and their trustees review grant applications 4-6 times a year.

Great Outdoors Colorado

Additional Information

Deadline: Triannual grants running 3 times per year

Award Amount: Varies

Great Outdoors Colorado invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to the preservation and improvement of state parks, trails, wildlife, and rivers. The focus of GOCO’s competitive grants includes outdoor recreation and land conservation in Colorado. Colorado municipalities, counties, and Title 32 special districts with parks and recreation authority are all eligible for GOCO grants. Nonprofit conservation organizations, political subdivisions of the state, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife are also eligible. In many cases, eligible entities may sponsor projects on behalf of ineligible entities. For example, a nonprofit land trust can partner with private landowners to conserve their land, or a city can apply for a grant on behalf of a school to build a playground.

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American Savings Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

American Savings Foundation supports programs and organizations that improve the quality of life for residents of the communities they serve in Connecticut with an emphasis on New Britain and Waterbury. To respond to local community needs throughout the 64 towns they serve, the Foundation considers requests for up to $5,000 in the areas of Education, Human Services, and Arts and Culture. They also offer Capital Grants up to $10,000.

CHEFA Grants

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $5,000 - $75,000

CHEFA established the philanthropic Grant Program in 2002 to provide nonprofit organizations, operating or seeking to operate a program(s) or having capital expenditure needs, in Connecticut, with the opportunity to access funding through competitive grants.  The FY 2025 CHEFA Nonprofit Grant Program is anticipated to open in late October 2024 with a Letter of Interest process (LOI). Please check the website in the early Fall for exact dates. CHEFA does not fund Basic Human Needs (food/soup kitchen/pantries; shelter/housing, etc.) CHEFA’s priorities for funding are education, healthcare, childcare, and cultural. 

Hartford Area Grants

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

They periodically issue a call for proposals from organizations serving Greater Hartford to contribute to advancing their strategic priorities in specific ways. Check the website for a list of various requests for proposals that are currently available with differing deadlines and criteria.

Small Nonprofits Grant Opportunity

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Up to $15,000 over a 2-year period

This grant opportunity is specifically tailored for small, emergent, and/or all-volunteer nonprofit organizations as they develop their infrastructure and programs, and strive to be sustainable and thrive. The organization must have an operating budget under $300,000. Review the Foundation’s strategic priorities, and if you think your organization aligns with its mission, they welcome contact from nonprofits wanting to apply. The online application form is on the website.

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Bank of America Client Foundation – DE, FL

Additional Information

Deadline: April 15th and Sept. 15th

Award Amount: Varies

The Bank of America Client Foundation serves organizations located in Delaware and Sarasota, Florida. Fields of interest that the foundation will fund include arts, historic preservation, education, and human services. All grants must be received by the April and September 15th deadlines. In the event the deadline falls on a weekend, grant applications will be accepted the following business day. Applicants will be notified of the grant status three to four months after submission. Applying organizations must be registered 501c3s to receive funding.

Capital Project Grants

Delaware Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $20,000

DCF capital grants assist with the acquisition, final-stage design, construction, repair, renovation, rehabilitation, or other capital improvements of facilities. Grants will not exceed $20,000 other than on rare occasions due to their exceptional merits. Watch the website for the 2024 grant period announcement.

Delaware Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Trails Grants

Delaware State Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies (matching grants)

The Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Trails (ORPT) Program provides funding for the acquisition of open space and the development of outdoor recreation projects. County and municipal governments and park districts may request and receive ORPT grant assistance. Projects sponsored by municipalities and counties may receive up to 50% in DTF assistance of an approved project’s total costs; park districts are eligible to receive up to 75%. Partnerships with other agencies and organizations are encouraged but the municipalities and counties must be the grant applicants. Eligible grant requests include fee simple acquisition of parkland, open space or conservation areas, replacement of outdated and unsafe outdoor facilities, athletic fields and courts, playground equipment, picnic tables and pavilions.

Sussex County Delaware

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

 The Council Grant Program provides grants to non-profit agencies. These funds assist organizations with resources in support of programs, or capital purchases, that benefit Sussex County residents. Each fiscal year, $175,000 is available for distribution. The Council asks that your request for funding be reasonable, realistic, and within their budgetary constraints. To be eligible for a grant, fill out the application online. The County Council will receive a copy to consider for a future Council agenda.

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District of Columbia

Events DC Community Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Events DC Community Grant Program will provide financial support to nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting youth sports or performing or cultural arts in the District of Columbia. Events DC will award one-year grants to non-profit organizations that meet the eligibility requirements set forth below. Utilize grant funding for organizational operations, programs or projects that support youth-focused sports, performing or cultural arts in the District of Columbia. Check the website for the 2025 grant announcements expected to be posted in Summer 2024.

Palisades Community Fund

Additional Information

Deadline: April 15, Oct 15

Award Amount: Varies

The PCF finances projects that promote charitable activities, cultural enrichment, community education and service, economic improvements, and environmental enhancements for the Palisades. Grants by the PCF have supported a variety of local projects for schools—the Palisades Branch library, beautification of MacArthur Boulevard, landscaping the Rec Center, building lockers for the local fire station, constructing a community information kiosk. The Palisades Community Fund Committee meets twice a year to consider requests for grants. The format to follow is on their website.

Rotary Club of Washington DC

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan 31

Award Amount: $1,000 - $20,000

The Rotary Foundation makes available two types of grant opportunities for DC non-profit organizations: Community Service Grants of $1,000 to $5,000 per organization supporting projects that demonstrate a need for small capital items or “seed money” for special services that provide direct and tangible benefits within the District of Columbia, Metropolitan Area. Foundation Special Project Grants of $20,000 supporting larger projects that demonstrate long-term sustainability and impact. Only one grant will be awarded to any applicant. While several $1,000-$5,000 Community Service Grants will be awarded, only a few $20,000 Foundation Special Grants can be awarded. Online application required.

Southwest Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

A new grant round will be announced in 2024 for the benefit of residents of Near Southwest, defined as the area bounded by 14th Street SW, Independence Avenue, South Capitol Street, and the Potomac and Anacostia rivers. Religious institutions, schools, parks, playing fields and playgrounds flourish side-by-side with the largest concentration of public housing in the District. Southwest DC abounds in contradictions and succeeds in its inclusiveness. It is a model for the District of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-economic urban core. Refer to the website for grant guidelines.

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A.D. Henderson Foundation – FL, VT

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $15,000 to $100,000

The Foundation focuses its grantmaking on strengthening early childhood programs and supporting programs that enable families with young children to thrive in Broward County, Florida, and the State of Vermont. Please contact a Foundation Program Director to discuss the program/project. Contact info is on the website. The Program Directors meet quarterly with the Board of Trustees to recommend proposals to be considered for approval. The applicant will be contacted regarding the Board’s decision and the next steps to complete the process.

Bank of America Client Foundation – DE, FL

Additional Information 

Deadline: April 15th and Sept. 15th

Award Amount: Varies

The Bank of America Client Foundation serves organizations located in Delaware and Sarasota, Florida. Fields of interest that the foundation will fund include arts, historic preservation, education, and human services. All grants must be received by the April and September 15th deadlines. In the event the deadline falls on a weekend, grant applications will be accepted the following business day. Applicants will be notified of the grant status three to four months after submission. Applying organizations must be registered 501c3s in order to receive funding.

Chapman Foundation (Alvah H. & Wyline P.)

Additional Information 

Deadline: May 15th and Oct. 15th

Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000

The Chapman Foundation seeks to fund programs in the areas of children and families, education, multicultural understanding, substance abuse prevention, and programs serving the homeless. Before applying, applicants must have a sponsor from the foundation or submit a letter of inquiry before submitting a full grant application. Successful applicants will receive a response from the Foundation. Geographic preference is given to areas where directors and members live and are involved in the community. Under special circumstances, organizations in parts of Georgia where the Chapman family has traditionally had interests will be considered.

The Children’s Trust Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Eligible applicants may be governmental entities, for-profit or not-for-profit organizations, or faith-based organizations providing services within Miami-Dade County. Their priority investment areas are parenting, early childhood development, youth development, health and wellness, family and neighborhood supports, community awareness and advocacy, and program and professional development. They announce grant opportunities often, so check the website regularly.

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Chapman Foundation (Alvah H. & Wyline P.)

Additional Information

Deadline: May 15th and Oct. 15th

Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000

The Chapman Foundation seeks to fund programs in the areas of children and families, education, multicultural understanding, substance abuse prevention, and programs serving the homeless. Before applying, applicants must have a sponsor from the foundation or submit a letter of inquiry before submitting a full grant application. Successful applicants will receive a response from the Foundation. Geographic preference is given to areas where directors and members live and are involved in the community. Under special circumstances, organizations in parts of Georgia where the Chapman family has traditionally had interests will be considered.

The Coca-Cola Foundation Grants

The Coca-Cola Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Coca-Cola Foundation is a highly competitive funder because it offers grants in the U.S. and globally. In the U.S. they often prioritize their “hometown” of Atlanta, GA. The foundation wants to invest in transformative ideas and institutions. They have recently refreshed their focus to address sustainable access to water, a circular economy, climate resilience, disaster preparedness and response, economic empowerment, and causes impacting Atlanta. Grant requests must be submitted through the online application system.

Georgia Power Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

The Georgia Power Company seeks to give back to the community through five priority funding areas including health & human services, education, civic & community, art & culture, and environment. Grant requests are accepted by invitation only. Check the website to find the company representative for your area in GA. Send an email with information about your request for funding to the designated representative. They will invite you to apply through their online application portal system if your grant or sponsorship request is accepted.

Park Pride Grantmaking Programs

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $250 to $100,000

Founded in 1989, Park Pride is the only nonprofit organization working with communities all over Atlanta to improve their parks. They provide programs, funding, and leadership to create more and better greenspaces. Park Pride’s matching grants range from $250 to $100,000 and enable Atlanta and surrounding areas to make positive changes to neighborhood parks. The grant program is structured to waive the matching funds requirement for eligible grant recipients in low-income neighborhoods. This funding can be used to acquire land, new trails, signage, and playground or exercise equipment. Receiving a Park Pride grant can boost confidence in a project and result in more support and gifts. Grant submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and applicants may request up to 50% of their total budget.

Resurgens Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Resurgens Orthopaedics established a charitable foundation with a mission “to promote active lifestyles for people of all ages and all abilities.” They serve communities in Georgia. They do not have a formal application process or a set maximum or minimum but rather make those decisions based on the organization being served. The Foundation’s board meets bi-monthly to review proposals. All applications are reviewed and recipients will be notified of a decision within 90 days. Review their website and you will see that they have funded many playgrounds in GA. They do not fund ground covering or rubberized playground surfaces.

Robert W. Woodruff Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb 1 and August 15th

Award Amount: Varies

The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life in Georgia by investing in health, education, economic opportunity, and community vitality. They pursue their mission by responding to community needs, typically making grants to institutions and projects with strong leadership and a broad base of support. The Foundation’s grantmaking is generally limited to organizations located and operating in metro Atlanta. They will occasionally consider grants to significant institutions and initiatives in communities throughout Georgia. They accept grant applications throughout the year but review apps twice a year. They encourage applicants to submit an informal email inquiry before submitting a formal app to determine if they should apply.

Woodward Fund (David, Helen & Marian)

Administered by Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1st and Sept. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund’s mission is to make this a better world for those who come after us. They provide support in areas such as education, environment, animals, health, human services, international/foreign affairs, public/society benefits, arts/culture/humanities, and religion. To be eligible, applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations. Grants are limited geographically to Georgia or one of its neighboring states. Historically, preference has been given to organizations in Georgia.

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Atherton Family Foundation Grant

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan 5, Apr 1, July 1, Oct 1

Award Amount: Varies

The Atherton Family Foundation funds programs and projects that benefit the people of Hawaii. The Foundation currently funds in the following areas: arts, culture, and humanities; community development; education; environment; health; human services; spiritual development; and youth development. The Foundation supports organizations working collaboratively to address systems change. Grant apps are reviewed quarterly. Program funding requests can be made at any deadline, but capital funding requests will only be accepted at the July deadline. The average program grant is $19,000, and the average capital grant is $38,000.

The Awesome Foundation Grant - Oahu

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $1,000

The Awesome Foundation is a global network of micro-giving chapters that gives out $1000 each month. If you’ve got an idea for a project on the island of Oahu and need some support to take your initiative to the next level, apply now! There are no official rules, but for your best chance, make them say, “That’s awesome!” by having a detailed outline of your project and a clear, itemized budget. They review applications at the end of every month and select a winner as a group. If you win, they will call and let you know. Afterwards, they will decide on a meeting spot, give you the grant money, take some photos, and announce your awesome project on their social media channels.

Campbell Family Foundation (James & Abigail) – West Oahu

Additional Information 

Deadline: February and July

Award Amount: Varies

The James and Abigail Campbell Family Foundation supports projects in the areas of education, youth, and Hawaiian. Priority is granted to organizations serving West Oahu. Applicants are only eligible to apply for funding once per year, so applicants are encouraged to request full funding at the time the application is turned in. Multi-year funding requests will not be honored. Applications are reviewed twice annually in April and October. All documents must be submitted in their entirety in February and July to receive a board review.

Castle Foundation (Samuel N. & Mary)

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation is committed to providing resources to improve the lives of Hawaii’s children and families by improving the quality and quantity of early education. The Foundation announces RFPs throughout the year, and they have funded playgrounds in the past. In 2024, they encourage accredited or about-to-be accredited preschools to prepare solid and well-documented applications to improve the instruction of playground equipment. Most applications for this purpose will generally be up to $25,000. For 2024, they have budgeted $250,000 to fund preschool playground repairs, construction, or upgrades.

The Bill Healy Foundation – HI, OR

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan, April, July, September

Award Amount: $1,000-$50,000

The Bill Healy Foundation provides funding to work done in Hawaii and/or Oregon. Most of their grantees are located in either state, but they will consider national nonprofits as long as the proposed project is located in Hawaii or Oregon. They partner with nonprofit teams working to mitigate climate change, protect ecosystems, educate and advocate for youth, and reduce child poverty. All of their awarded grants are for unrestricted funding which means that the awardee can best decide how to use it for their approved project. The first step is to submit a Letter of Inquiry online, and they will notify you within 30 days if you are accepted to submit a full application. In Oregon, in 2021 they funded the first rural schoolyard project with an innovative playground that doubles as a community park.

Weinberg Foundation - Hawaii

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Today, the Foundation invests approximately $12 million annually in nonprofit organizations operating in Hawaii that have a core focus on serving vulnerable individuals and families, particularly in rural areas of the islands. The Foundation provides program, operating, and capital grants across its focus areas: Housing, Health, Jobs, Education, and Community Services - The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. Grants serve a range of individuals, including women at risk and their children, older adults, people with disabilities, and the Jewish community. The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaii, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership.

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Hemingway Foundation (Richard K. and Shirley S.) – ID, UT

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 1-April 1 open grant period

Award Amount: Varies – most awards are $5,000-$15,000

The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life in Utah and Idaho communities, specifically communities in northern Utah (including the Wasatch front and back), and southern and central Idaho. Its main priorities are arts and culture, environmental stewardship, and self-sufficiency. Due to limited funds available, they changed their grant process in 2024. No letters of inquiry are accepted. Contact info is on the website if you would like to discuss your project in advance. They are only accepting grant requests from those they deem the most likely to be successful. 1) If you have received at least one grant of MORE than $5,000 in the past 3 years from Hemingway 2) You intend to request a grant of similar size to what you received before. Funds are disbursed approximately 6-8 months after the application deadline.

Idaho Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Idaho Community Foundation helps nonprofits meet the issues of today through more than 15 grant programs to address Idaho’s diverse needs. Check the website for eligibility, review processes, award amounts, and deadlines.

Idaho Playground Project

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

To apply for the 2024 Playground Grant, fill out the form on the website. There are only 2 eligibility Requirements: Be an Idaho Elementary School. The current playground is over 10 years old. The Idaho Playground Project aims to give every child equal access to play experiences through playgrounds, toys, books, and games. Simply put, we aim to build or renovate 100 playgrounds at Idaho elementary schools by 2033. Adaptive playgrounds are playgrounds that are designed to be inclusive and accessible for children of all abilities. Adaptive playgrounds are important because they provide children of all abilities the opportunity to participate in the same recreational activities as their peers, promoting socialization and inclusion.

Idaho State Parks & Recreation

Additional Information

Deadline: October through Jan – open grant period

Award Amount: Varies

The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation provides various funding programs and grants to government entities in Idaho for the provision of equipment and the creation and renovation of outdoor recreational facilities. Applying for grants just got easier. You can access the application site from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Please contact the IDPR grant staff if you need consultation. They are happy to assist you through the grant application process.

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Alfred Bersted Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: June 1st

Award Amount: Varies

The Alfred Bersted Foundation was established in 1972 to support and promote quality educational, human services, and health care programming for underserved populations. The Alfred Bersted Foundation specifically serves the people of DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, and McHenry counties in Illinois. Applicants must have a physical presence in one of these counties. The majority of grants are one year in duration. Applicants to the June deadline will be notified by Sept 30 of the outcome of their application.

Ameren Illinois Grant

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Ameren Illinois provides grants to areas served by Ameren in Illinois. Funding requests should fall within one of the priority funding areas including environment, youth and education, civic and community, health and human services, and arts and culture. A complete application should include a cover letter with the requested amount, an IRS determination letter, most recent 990 upon request. A detailed budget and list of current and executive board members are needed for requests over $5,000. Applications received after Dec 1 may be reviewed the following year.

Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln accepts grant applications for several programs and charitable funds throughout the year. The Community Foundation encourages nonprofit organizations in Cass, Christian, Logan, Macoupin, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, and Sangamon counties to apply for funding from competitive grantmaking funds when eligible. Refer to the website for grant opportunities, eligibility requirements, and deadlines. Applications usually open 4-6 weeks before their deadlines.

Community Foundation of Northern Illinois

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois has a wide variety of grants it offers, with varying review processes, eligibility, and award amounts. Their goal is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families and to inspire endowment and promote philanthropy for the current and future needs of the people of Northern Illinois.

Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust – Illinois, Iowa

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Trust’s commitment to youth, education and research forms its cornerstones. One of its program areas is Youth Services and Recreation. Grants to help communities establish safe and affordable recreation opportunities are part of the youth-directed programming. The Trust offers strategic funding for the development of public recreation facilities and related activities for children, with priority given to projects in the Iowa counties of Muscatine, Cedar, Louisa, and Scott, as well as Rock Island and Mercer Counties in Illinois. The Trust does not generally provide funding to support school-based playground initiatives. Grants given under the Youth Services & Recreation focus are $25,000 maximum. At least 50% of total project costs must be raised before the Trust considers an application. Exceptions may be made as circumstances dictate.

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Community Foundation of St. Joseph County Special Projects Grant

Additional Information

Deadline: March 1, Oct 1

Award Amount: Varies

The mission of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County is to improve the quality of life for the people of St. Joseph County and their succeeding generations. The Special Projects Grant is designed to accept proposals in the areas of Community development, Health and human services, Parks, recreation, and environment, and Youth and education. This is a challenge grant, so applicants are limited to requesting up to 50% of the total project, and award monies are not released until the match is met.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Additional Information

Deadline: Aug 1

Award Amount: $250,000 - $1 million

The LWCF is a matching assistance program that provides grants of up to 50% of the cost for the acquisition and/or development of outdoor recreation sites and facilities. LWCF local applicants may request amounts ranging from a minimum of $250,000 up to a maximum of $1 million. Applications are available online. The application is required to be submitted via email by Aug. 1. Grant applications may consist of land acquisition and/or facility construction or renovation for local public parks for outdoor recreation. New parks or additions to existing parks may be funded. Sports and playfields, such as playgrounds, ballfields, court facilities, and golf courses are fundable items.

Quality of Place: Pathways to Progress

Community Foundation of Southern Indiana

Additional Information

Deadline: July 1-31 open grant period (Idea application)

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana’s Quality of Place: Pathways to Progress Grants Program focuses on serving people with the least access to safe, high-quality public places and amenities. Typically, this includes those community members with income limitations, transportation/mobility issues, and physical/mental differences. In July, an “idea application” is due. If the Foundation is interested in a full application, that is due in August. Grant awards are made in mid-September. Parks and playgrounds have been funded in the past.

SIA Foundation Grants

Created & funded by Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.

Additional Information

Deadline: March 31st and September 30th

Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000

The SIA Foundation is committed to making gifts to non-profits within the state of Indiana to improve the quality of life for residents. Cash grants are available to support capital projects in areas of arts and culture, education, and health and welfare. Grant requests must be for $1000 or more and used for investments in facilities, equipment, or real estate.

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Alliant Energy Foundation – IA, WI

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation supports projects that help families thrive, encourage communities to innovate, and protect the natural beauty of Iowa and Wisconsin. Applications are accepted exclusively through the Alliant Energy eGrant portal. Short eligibility quizzes must be completed before candidates can access the full application. Under the Environmental Stewardship focus, funding can be used for park updates, signage, picnic tables, and benches. Under the Community Safety and Engagement focus, funding can be used for playground updates and new playground equipment at public parks (not private). For playground updates and equipment, there is a typical awarded amount of $1,000.

Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust – Illinois, Iowa

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Trust’s commitment to youth, education, and research forms its cornerstones. One of its program areas is Youth Services and Recreation. Grants to help communities establish safe and affordable recreation opportunities are part of the youth-directed programming. The Trust offers strategic funding for the development of public recreation facilities and related activities for children, with priority given to projects in the Iowa counties of Muscatine, Cedar, Louisa, and Scott, as well as Rock Island and Mercer Counties in Illinois. The Trust does not generally provide funding to support school-based playground initiatives. Grants given under the Youth Services & Recreation focus are $25,000 maximum. At least 50% of total project costs must be raised before the Trust considers an application. Exceptions may be made as circumstances dictate.

Kimmel Foundation Grants – IA, NE

Richard P. & Laurine Kimmel Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

The Kimmel Foundation provides funds to organizations in Nebraska and Iowa that focus on education, arts, agriculture, human services, and humanities. Emphasis is given to organizations operating in Nebraska City, NE, and Otoe, NE. The foundation aims to support ideas that provide leadership in a field, encourage matching grants, and contribute to an organization’s mission. Grants are usually for amounts less than $25,000. Accepted applications are generally reviewed within one to three months and grant checks are issued four times a year.

Peter Kiewit Foundation – IA, NE

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling – Decisions are made in March, June and Oct

Award Amount: Varies

The Peter Kiewit Foundation makes grants in the Omaha metro area and across the state of Nebraska, as well as Western Iowa within a 100-mile radius of Omaha. Their strategic priorities include youth development, economic development and opportunities, quality of place amenities, and community capacity. Grants are awarded on a matching funds basis. An applicant must have developed at least a portion of the matching funds needed before submitting a request.

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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation funds nonprofits across Kansas except those in Johnson and Wyandotte counties. Their funding focus is promoting health improvement, community health access and/or health education, healthy behaviors, prevention initiatives, or direct health services to the uninsured. An online application is required for requests of $5,000 or less. For more than $5,000, contact information is given on the website.

Hall Family Foundation – KS, MO

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Hall Family Foundation is a private philanthropic organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of human life in the Greater Kansas City area. The Foundation generally does not support funding for organizations outside the Kansas City area. The Foundation prefers to concentrate its philanthropic efforts in the greater Kansas City region, including Jackson, Clay, and Platte Counties in Missouri, and Wyandotte and Johnson Counties in Kansas. Their grantmaking focuses on three interconnected impact areas: KC Spirit, Prospering Communities, and Growing Minds. The Foundation’s process for requesting funding includes an interest form, letter of interest, and follow-up questions. Their goal is to use these tools as a starting point for conversations with grant seekers about their proposal and the needs it addresses. Grant requests may be submitted throughout the year, but the Board of Directors meets quarterly, the fourth Wednesday in March, June, September, and the second Monday in December.

H&R Block Foundation – KS, MO

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $25,000 to $250,000

The Foundation accepts grant applications on a rolling basis year-round. Award decisions are made in March, June, September, and December. The Foundation focuses its funding on organizations that are based in and serve residents within the greater Kansas City area defined as Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri, and Wyandotte and Johnson counties in Kansas. The Foundation’s areas of focus are arts & culture, education, health & human service, & neighborhood revitalization. A major emphasis is funding activities that help underserved, low-income individuals in greater Kansas City. Grant awards typically fall in the range of $25,000 to $100,000. The Foundation’s sister organization, the Marion and Henry Bloch Family Foundation, makes single-year and multi-year grant awards that typically fall in the range of $100,000 to $250,000. Grants may be funded by either Foundation, though only a single application needs to be submitted. Foundation staff will determine the appropriate Foundation to consider each request.

Koch Family Foundation

Formerly the Fred and Mary Koch Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Sept. 15th

Award Amount: Varies

This foundation was created with a singular mission: to foster arts and education in Kansas. Only nonprofits within Kansas are eligible. Proposals are accepted throughout the year but must be completed and submitted by September 15 for consideration at the annual board meeting. Grant awards are announced in December.

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Community Development Block Grant

Commonwealth of Kentucky

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1, 2024 - September 2, 2024 (applications accepted)

Award Amount: Varies

The Community program is designed to provide federal funds for community development projects that address human service needs, such as senior centers, crisis centers, fire stations, and facilities that provide services to low-income persons. As part of the Commonwealth's allocation from the CDBG program, these projects have been allocated with the maximum amount of $750,000 of CDBG funding per community. All cities and counties are eligible to apply for the funds with the exception of Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Elizabethtown, Henderson, Hopkinsville, Lexington-Fayette County, Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, and Owensboro. These entitlement communities receive CDBG funds directly from HUD.

Horizon Community Fund Impact Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan 31 Letter of intent, April 28 if invited for full application

Award Amount: Varies

Applicants must be located in or serving one of the three counties of Boone, Campbell, or Kenton. Recent events have brought into full view the growing inequalities related to race and economic opportunity. If Northern Kentucky is to thrive, the Fund wants to address increasing gaps in three areas that are foundational for human progress: education, health, and employment. They want to see innovative, collaborative, and sustainable interventions that address these gaps in order to significantly advance the lives of those they serve. Keep this in mind as you prepare your letter of intent, your application, and any other material that you submit for funding consideration.

Kentucky Colonels Good Works Program

Additional Information

Deadline: Grant program opens annually in December

Award Amount: Varies

Grants through the Good Works Program are focused on helping organizations that mainly fall within these categories: Community Enhancement, Community Support, Education, Health, Rehabilitation, and Life Skills, Historic Preservation, Homeless, low-income, and those in Crisis, Veterans and Military Services, Youth Services. Eligible nonprofits are those located in Kentucky that have been operating for at least 5 years. Funding is generally limited to items/projects that can be seen or touched. Requests for funding should be for projects that will directly benefit as many clients as possible. Past funding has gone to a playground.

Land & Water Conservation Fund

Commonwealth of Kentucky

Additional Information

Award Amount: $25,000-$250,000 (matching reimbursement program)

Deadline: Jan. 15 – May 31st

The LWCF provides federal grant funds to acquire land for outdoor recreation and develop or renovate public outdoor recreation facilities such as campgrounds, picnic areas, sports & playfields, swimming facilities, boating facilities, fishing facilities, trails, natural areas, and passive parks. Cities, counties, state and federal agencies are eligible to apply for funding. All facilities that have received funding must remain an outdoor venue in perpetuity and the land must be owned or leased long-term from a public agency.

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Central Louisiana Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Central Louisiana Community Foundation improves the quality of life for members of our community through our proactive and strategic grant making. Grants are awarded in a variety of ways, including competitive grants, donor-advised grants, scholarships, opportunity grants, and more. Review the website for open grants, deadlines, and eligibility. They have a Community Impact grant and an Endowment that could be relevant to playground funding.

Greater New Orleans Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Greater New Orleans Foundation is a philanthropic institution dedicated to driving positive impact through philanthropy, leadership, and action in the Greater New Orleans Region. They value Collaboration, Innovation, Responsiveness, Equity, Stewardship, and Inclusion. On the website, there is an up-to-date list of current and upcoming grant opportunities. Check back often to keep informed on new grant cycles and deadline updates. You can also view a list of previous grantees’ programs.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Louisiana State Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1

Award Amount: Varies (match grant)

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program promotes broad-scope outdoor recreation, ranging from land acquisition to the development of park facilities such as spray parks, ball fields, picnic pavilions, and restrooms. The federally-funded program provides 50% matching funds assistance, through grants to state governments and local municipalities. Division of Outdoor Recreation personnel are available to answer questions and assist with application documents upon request. Playgrounds and other outdoor recreational facilities are eligible for funding.

Ourso Family Foundation Fund (E.J. and Marjory B.)

Administered by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF)

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The purpose of the E.J. and Marjory B. Ourso Family Foundation is to provide philanthropic support for South Louisiana, which has been good to the family over generations. Grant applicants should keep in mind that the Foundation gives priority to projects that build on human initiative and service to mankind. The Foundation will provide grants to support nonprofit organizations that have new, creative, or beneficial projects that respond to challenges in the following program areas: education, healthcare, human services, and religion. The Board of Directors reviews proposals on a quarterly basis.

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Land and Water Conservation Fund

Maine Dept of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry

Additional Information

Deadline: Last Friday in June each year

Award Amount: Up to $1 million.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1964 (LWCF) was established to assist federal, state, and local governments in the acquisition and/or development of public outdoor recreation facilities. Administered at the federal level by the National Park Service and at the state level by the Bureau of Parks and Lands in the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, LWCF grants can provide up to 50% of the allowable costs for approved acquisition or development projects for public outdoor recreation. The only eligible applicants are the State of Maine, counties, municipalities, school districts, and tribal nations, but nonprofits can be partners in a project. Applicants requesting less than $20,000 should discuss this with a grant manager before applying.

Libra Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Feb. 15th, May 15th, Aug. 15th, and Nov. 15th

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

The Libra Foundation’s scope of contribution is limited to 501(c)(3) nonprofits operating within the State of Maine. Areas of giving include Religion, Public/Society Benefits, Arts, Culture and Humanities, Education, Justice, Environment, Health, and Human Services. Traditionally, small grants are given to many organizations as opposed to large grants to only a few. Applicants must complete a two-page application form available on their website. The Foundation does not accept electronic submissions. Most grants awarded do not exceed $25,000.

Onion Foundation Environment Program Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $5,000 - $30,000

The goal of the Environment Program is to benefit Maine residents by expanding equitable outdoor access, supporting high-quality nature learning, and encouraging advocacy and movement building to protect the environment and mitigate climate change. Deadlines for Equitable Outdoor Access grants are in March, Nature Learning is in June, and Advocacy and Movement Building is by invitation only.

Welch Charitable Fund

Administered by the Maine Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: August 1st

Award Amount: Median award is $10,000

The Welch Charitable Fund serves the Greater Portland area with a priority toward Youth, Education, Health Care, Recovery from Substance Use Disorder, Arts, and Culture. All applications must be completed online and received by August 1st. Notification of grant award is by Oct 15. The fund has a particular interest in capital investments.

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Abell Foundation - Regular Grant Process

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 1st, March 1st, May 1st, July 15th, and Oct. 1st

Award Amount: $10,000 or More

The Abell Foundation awards grants to nonprofit community partners working to improve the quality of life in Baltimore. They provide seed funding for innovative pilots, support for ongoing community programs and services, and funding for capital projects. They focus on health and human services, community development, education, workforce development, criminal justice and addiction, environment, and the arts. First-time applicants must contact the Foundation to discuss your project idea, and they will let you know if they are interested in receiving a full application.

Abell Foundation - Small Grant Process

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

The Abell Foundation awards grants to nonprofit community partners working to improve the quality of life in Baltimore. They provide seed funding for innovative pilots, support for ongoing community programs and services, and funding for capital projects. They focus on health and human services, community development, education, workforce development, criminal justice and addiction, environment, and the arts. This grant is for requests of $10,000 or less. There is no requirement to contact the Foundation before applying as a first-time applicant. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and have no application deadline. Applicants will be notified within 60 days of submission of the request.

Mitzvah Fund for Good Deeds

Administered by the Baltimore Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $3,500

Mitzvah Fund for Good Deeds was developed to provide gap funding for eligible nonprofit organizations in the Baltimore area. To be eligible, organizations must have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, serve the Baltimore region, and abide by non-discrimination laws. Funding is broadly defined and can be applied to different organizational needs. Their funding cannot be used for capital projects. The review process for applications can take up to 4 weeks.

Stronger Schools, Stronger Neighborhoods

Baltimore Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb 14, May 1, Aug 16, Oct 7

Award Amount: Varies

The Baltimore Community Foundation recently adopted a new strategic plan to guide their work from 2023 – 2025. They welcome applications from organizations across Baltimore City and Baltimore County that are strengthening schools and building neighborhoods where children and families can thrive. They are particularly interested in proposals that address the following for schools: Kindergarten readiness and Judy Centers, student mental health, school climate, and culture. For neighborhoods: safety, cleaning, greening, vibrancy. Successful proposals will be driven by the expressed needs of the community they aim to serve. A typical award is $20,000. Smaller projects are often awarded $1,000 – $5,000.

Weinberg Foundation - Baltimore

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation as we know it today has existed since 1990. Today, nearly 25 percent of the Foundation’s approximately $140 million in annual grantmaking supports direct service providers in Greater Baltimore, operating across all of the Foundation’s focus areas: Housing, Health, Jobs, Education, and Community Services - The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. Grants serve a range of individuals, including women at risk and their children, older adults, people with disabilities, and the Jewish community. The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaii, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership.

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Amelia Peabody Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Feb 8, May 15, Sept 10

Award Amount: Varies

The Mission of the Amelia Peabody Foundation (APF) is to support the charitable organizations in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Grants are only made to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations for projects and programs that are carried out in Massachusetts. You must have an IRS 501©3 Letter of Determination with a Massachusetts address, otherwise, you will need an eligible fiscal sponsor to apply. APF Trustees take a programmatic interest in supporting organizations that provide services to materially disadvantaged youth, including food insecurity, homelessness, healthcare, education, recreation, and workforce development.

Gateway City Parks Program

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Average $500,000

This program funds the creation and restoration of parks and recreational facilities in underserved urban neighborhoods in certain counties in Massachusetts. A list of Gateway Cities eligible to apply is on the website. Average number of grants awarded is 10, and average award amount is $500,000.

Liberty Mutual Foundation – MA, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Grant award: Varies

The Foundation’s grants help nonprofits that work to empower families and individuals who are struggling to thrive amid challenging situations. They prioritize helping in the Greater Boston, MA area, and in Greater Puget Sound, and select counties in WA. They offer single and multi-year program grants, supplemented by occasional operating support, and capital grants that are invitation only. Discretionary proposals initiated by nonprofits are accepted on a rolling basis. Their Request for Proposals (RFPs), specific to each funding area, are time-limited and have set deadlines. They give preference to nonprofit organizations with solid financials, systems for measuring impact, a strong board and staff, strategic plans, and budgets. The Foundation also does a 100% match to employee charitable donations made through payroll deductions.

Vela Foundation

Vela Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Vela Foundation wishes to improve nutrition and wellness in Cape Cod and southeastern Massachusetts. The foundation is happy to support organizations that improve fitness, nutritional education, and physical activity. The grant process begins with emailing a Letter of Inquiry to the contact on the website. LOI submission should contain a brief description of the organization and project, project objective, budget for the project, and impact (number of people reached).

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BCCF Competitive Grants

Battle Creek Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: April 3, Sept 18

Award Amount: Minimum $1,500

The Battle Creek Community Foundation exists to improve the lives of people in and around Battle Creek. Focus areas are health, education, and livable communities. Livable Communities grants focus on Resident Engagement & Community Spirit, Arts & Culture, Creative Projects, Economics, Environmental Stewardship and Community Partnerships. Proposals are reviewed by committees comprised of community volunteers. To apply for a general grant, an application must be submitted through BCCF's online platform by the established general grant deadline.

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Additional Information

Deadline: May 15, Aug 15, Nov 15

Award Amount: $30,000 to $75,000

The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan was established in 1984 for the betterment of the residents of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Monroe, Washtenaw, St. Clair, and Livingston counties. Their most important priority is sustainability. They don’t want to fund projects that will end as soon as the grant does. They prefer funding direct costs of projects and programs. They don’t fund capital projects. Grant decisions are made about 4 months after the deadline.

Michigan Gateway Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb 1 and Aug 1 for unrestricted grant funding

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation recommends that grant applicants make an appointment to discuss the grant and their project before applying. They can explain the different funding sources that they have available and the grant process. If you submit a draft of your proposal at least ten business days before the due date, they will evaluate it and give you feedback on ways you might strengthen the proposal before you submit it for review.

Michigan Spark Grants

Department of Natural Resources

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $100,000 - $1 million

These grants support projects that provide safe, accessible, public recreation facilities and spaces to improve people’s health, introduce new recreation experiences, build on existing park infrastructure, and make it easier for people to enjoy both indoor and outdoor recreation. The Michigan Spark Grants program is aimed at helping improve and redevelop existing public recreation in communities that have historically experienced barriers to accessing these types of grants. Funding priority will be given to areas with a high proportion of households that are struggling financially, a high number of residents with physical and mental disparities, and a lack of public recreation opportunities. See the website for a list of eligible applicant communities. Applicants must be local units of government or public authorities legally established to provide public recreation. Projects may include the development, renovation or redevelopment of public recreation facilities, and the provision of recreation-focused equipment and programs at public recreation spaces. Projects must be completed by Oct. 31, 2026, on public land with the primary purpose of providing outdoor recreation.

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FM Area Foundation – MN, ND

Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: April 10

Award Amount: $500 - $15,000

The FM Area Foundation is a community foundation created by and for the people of Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota. The FM Area Foundation manages more than 440 charitable funds and provides grants to qualified nonprofit organizations and causes. The Foundation considers grant applications in the following areas of impact: basic human needs; education; community building; arts, culture, and creativity; and women and children. Grant awards are announced in June. Capital needs/projects are not accepted.

Mardag Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Mardag Foundation’s geographic focus is the East Metro area of Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties, as well as Greater Minnesota. The Mardag Foundation prioritizes nonprofit organizations that work to improve the lives of low-income children, youth, and families, supporting older adults who have barriers to thriving and building community vitality through arts and culture. General operating support, capital projects, or program support will be considered for funding.

Northland Foundation Quarterly Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 5th, April 1st, July 1st, and Oct. 1st

Award Amount: $10,000 or More

There are five priorities of the Northland Foundation’s grant program: basic needs, early childhood care/education, youth enrichment, domestic and sexual violence, and belonging. The Foundation supports Northeast Minnesota people and communities working toward a better future. Grants may be awarded for general operating support, capacity-building, and program-restricted projects. Diversity, multi-generational, collaboration, and systems change are some of the approaches that are favored in grant applications. Reach out to the Foundation to discuss your project if you are a first-time applicant.

Operation Round Up

Runestone Electric Association Community Trust

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb, May, Aug, Nov

Award Amount: Varies

Operation Round Up Grants are offered to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations within the Runestone Electric Association’s service area. Priorities for funding include community service; economic development; education and youth; and environment and disaster relief. Funding requests are assessed on the potential benefit to the community; the level of community support for the program or project; the administrative capability of the organization to deliver quality service or program; and predictable and interpretable outcomes. The Board of Directors meets quarterly, and grants are distributed four times a year.

Outdoor Recreation Grant

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1

Award Amount: $20,000 to $350,000 (50% match)

The Outdoor Recreation Grant Program is funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Minnesota lottery proceeds. Grants from this program are designed to increase and enhance outdoor recreation facilities in communities throughout Minnesota. Cities, counties, and townships are all eligible to apply. Funds can be used to acquire parks, including playgrounds, fishing piers, trails, and picnic tables.

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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi Grants

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: LOI accepted all year

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation exists to make Mississippi a healthy place to live, work and play. The Foundation’s targeted grant funding is provided to increase health literacy, enhance or start farmers’ markets, cultivate community and school gardens, encourage tobacco-free environments, create outdoor play spaces, and construct places for physical fitness, healthy cooking classes, and health education, among other innovative project developments. An organization must submit a Letter of Inquiry to begin the grant application process. Based on the information in the Letter of Inquiry, the Foundation may request a full grant application. The Foundation accepts Letters of Inquiry throughout the year. The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation gifted 11 elementary schools across the state with new 21st-century playgrounds.

Community Foundation East Mississippi

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation serves the following counties: Clarke County, Kemper County, Lauderdale County, Neshoba County, and Newton County. Check the website for grants that might be available for your organization. They have open grants for the 2024 grant year listed. Deadlines, criteria, and award amounts vary.

Community Foundation for Mississippi

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation for Mississippi supports 22 counties in central and southwest Mississippi. A map is on their website. The Foundation primarily offers several distinct types of “grants” to charitable organizations in their service area: donor-directed grants, competitive grants by CFM, and competitive grants by CFM funds. Their focus areas are placemaking, children and families, community partnerships, and capacity building. Their Community Impact Grants open in the Summer of 2024.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: May 9

Award Amount: $25,000 - $200,000

The program provides 50% Federal Share/50% Non-Federal (local) Share matching reimbursable grants for the development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Applications are being accepted for development projects and/or renovation projects of recreational facilities on existing public property. Applications submitted will be for the award in March 2025. Any Mississippi city, county, state agency, college/university, or recreation district with public outdoor recreational needs is encouraged to apply for funding.

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Hall Family Foundation – KS, MO

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Hall Family Foundation is a private philanthropic organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of human life in the Greater Kansas City area. The Foundation generally does not support funding for organizations outside the Kansas City area. The Foundation prefers to concentrate its philanthropic efforts in the greater Kansas City region, including Jackson, Clay, and Platte Counties in Missouri, and Wyandotte and Johnson Counties in Kansas. Their grantmaking focuses on three interconnected impact areas: KC Spirit, Prospering Communities, and Growing Minds. The Foundation’s process for requesting funding includes an interest form, letter of interest, and follow-up questions. Their goal is to use these tools as a starting point for conversations with grant seekers about their proposal and the needs it addresses. Grant requests may be submitted throughout the year, but the Board of Directors meets quarterly, the fourth Wednesday in March, June, September, and the second Monday in December.

Helping Hands Grant

Skaggs Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Last Fri in April

Award Amount: $1,000-$7,000

Rewritten paragraph

The Helping Hands Grant program invests in approaches designed to address an identified community health need as defined through local assessments and based on pertinent data. Eligible applicants can apply for $1,000—$7,000. All awards are for one year only. The program must be health and wellness-focused and serve Stone and/or Taney County residents. Priority will be given to programs that are collaborative and address a top-identified health need. These include Access to care, Child and family safety, Dental care, Mental health, Healthy lifestyle, and Substance abuse. Applications are accepted annually from February 19th through the last Friday in April. All applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of their grant proposal in September. Successful applicants will receive disbursement on or around Nov. 15 of that year.

H&R Block Foundation – KS, MO

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $25,000 to $250,000

The Foundation accepts grant applications on a rolling basis year-round. Award decisions are made in March, June, September, and December. The Foundation focuses its funding on organizations that are based in and serve residents within the greater Kansas City area defined as Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri, and Wyandotte and Johnson counties in Kansas. The Foundation’s areas of focus are arts & culture, education, health & human service, & neighborhood revitalization. A major emphasis is funding activities that help underserved, low-income individuals in greater Kansas City. Grant awards typically fall in the range of $25,000 to $100,000. The Foundation’s sister organization, the Marion and Henry Bloch Family Foundation, makes single-year and multi-year grant awards that typically fall in the range of $100,000 to $250,000. Grants may be funded by either Foundation, though only a single application needs to be submitted. Foundation staff will determine the appropriate Foundation to consider each request.

Missouri Foundation for Health

Additional Information
Deadline: Varies
Award Amount: Varies
All awards will be aligned with the Foundation’s mission to eliminate underlying causes of health inequities, transform systems, and enable individuals and communities to thrive. Their grant opportunities are updated often. Review their website to gauge how your project aligns with their strategic initiatives.

Priority Health Needs Grant

Skaggs Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Last Fri in April

Award Amount: $7,500 or More (no award ceiling)

This grant program is an opportunity for agencies to propose solutions they believe can have a measurable impact on their community’s health in a defined period of time. The program must be health and wellness-focused and serve Stone and/or Taney County residents. Priority will be given to programs that are collaborative and address a top-identified health need. These include Access to care, Child and family safety, Dental care, Mental health, Healthy lifestyle, and Substance abuse. The grant process begins with a Letter of Intent. The Foundation notifies nonprofits that are invited to submit a full application based on their LOI.

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Blaine County Community Foundation Fund

Montana Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Aug 15-Oct 15 open grant period

Award Amount: $500 - $2,000

Applicants must be either a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or an exempt governmental unit. While grants must be used for projects benefiting communities or residents in Blaine County, the grantee organization does not need to be based in Blaine County. Only one application is allowed per organization. Eligible projects must provide a direct benefit to local residents, be sustainable, and address important, unmet needs. Ineligible projects include conferences, workshops, planning, research, untested projects, and partisan or sectarian activities.

Central Montana Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Central Montana Foundation works with 11 rural community endowment committees including Denton, Garfield County, Grass Range, Hobson, Judith Basin, Judith Gap, Moore, Petroleum County, Roy, Wheatland County, and Winifred. Each has its own committee and grant program, supported in part by an annual gift from Central Montana Foundation's Mildred Bryte Estate. Check the website to see how your organization might benefit.

Land and Water Conservation Fund Recreation Grants

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: Summer 2025

Award Amount: Varies

The Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Program is a federal grant program administered by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP). The LWCF Program provides matching grant funds to state, tribal, and local government entities to develop outdoor recreation. Examples of eligible projects include ball fields, public parks, outdoor municipal pools, playgrounds, picnic facilities, walking trails, and more. This grant requires a 50% match.

Montana Healthcare Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Mar 15th, Funding decision by May 30

Award Amount: $10,000-$100,000

The Montana Healthcare Foundation only funds Montana-based nonprofits. They do not fund large equipment purchases that are a substantial portion of your proposal budget.

They offer Montana-based organizations a chance to apply for funding to design and pilot innovative Montana-grown solutions to critical health challenges. Project proposals must address each of their selection criteria, which applicants should read in-depth before applying. They provide grants between $10,000 and $50,000 for one-year (12-month) projects and up to $100,000 for two-year (24-month) projects.

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Fund for Omaha

Omaha Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Aug. 1st

Award Amount: Up to $25,000 in general operating support

Eligible applicants are 501C3s that provide services in the Omaha metropolitan area (Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie counties), and have operating budgets of $5 million or less. Funding priority areas are arts & culture, neighborhoods, economic opportunity, health, transportation, and vibrant communities. With this in mind, funding decisions are made considering the following: equitable access, cultural awareness, authentic engagement, and capacity building. Applications are submitted on an online grant portal.

Kimmel Foundation Grants – IA, NE

Richard P. & Laurine Kimmel Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

The Kimmel Foundation provides funds to organizations in Nebraska and Iowa that focus on education, arts, agriculture, human services, and humanities. Emphasis is given to organizations operating in Nebraska City, NE, and Otoe, NE. The foundation aims to support ideas that provide leadership in a field, encourage matching grants, and contribute to an organization’s mission. Grants are usually for amounts less than $25,000. Accepted applications are generally reviewed within one to three months and grant checks are issued four times a year.

Nebraska Community Foundation Affiliated Funds

Nebraska Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Nebraska Community Foundation operates as a legal umbrella for its multitude of affiliated funds. A vast, interactive database allows organizations to target benefactors based on town, county, or field of interest. Categories range from community beautification and infrastructure to parks, recreation, and leisure. Preferences and stipulations will vary from affiliate to affiliate.

Peter Kiewit Foundation – IA, NE

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling – Decisions are made in March, June, and Oct

Award Amount: Varies

The Peter Kiewit Foundation makes grants in the Omaha metro area and across the state of Nebraska, as well as Western Iowa within a 100-mile radius of Omaha. Their strategic priorities include youth development, economic development and opportunities, quality of place amenities, and community capacity. Grants are awarded on a matching funds basis. An applicant must have developed at least a portion of the matching funds needed before submitting a request.

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Community Foundation of Northern Nevada

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Established in 1998 as a Nevada nonprofit 501(c) 3 Corporation, the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada has distributed more than $169 million in grants and scholarships from over 250 charitable funds to strengthen Nevada. The Community Foundation’s mission is one of connection to the community, to its residents, and to its needs. Refer to the website to review their grant offerings and how your organization might benefit.

Community Grant Program

Douglas County Community Services Parks & Recreation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb 16 – Mar 29 grant open period

Award Amount: Varies

During the budget process, the Board of County Commissioners approves a budget for the Community Grant Program from the available one-time, adjusted opening fund balance, resulting from prior fiscal year savings. As such, funds may increase, decrease, or be eliminated based on available financial resources. Eligibility - Douglas County 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Award announcements will be in June/July.

Henderson Community Foundation Competitive Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: 2 grant rounds a year: Winter and Summer

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation’s mission is to lead Henderson’s evolution into becoming the most compassionate community in America. Their Grant Distribution Committee, which includes board members and knowledgeable community representatives, makes annual competitive grants targeted to critical community needs. Grant Applications are open twice annually, with a winter cycle and a summer cycle. To be notified when grants are open, sign up on the website to be on their mailing list.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Administered by the Nevada Division of State Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Nevada State Parks, through the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant, provides a 50/50 matching basis to individual projects for local park and recreation development and land acquisition. These projects are submitted through the Nevada Division of State Parks to the National Park Service for approval. All political subdivisions, including counties, incorporated cities, unincorporated towns, general improvement districts, and Native American tribal governments are eligible for assistance. LWCF staff offer virtual grant training for detailed application info. Check the website for grant cycles for 2024 and beyond.

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New Hampshire

Community Grants Program

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: September 5

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation is finalizing the details of this grant program. More information will be available in May 2024. Please check back. They will accept brief applications for either unrestricted or project-based grant support over a 1- or 2-year time period. It would be worth your while to check out this website. They have several grant opportunities opening in 2024.

Land & Water Conservation Fund

New Hampshire State Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

New Hampshire’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Management Plan for 2024-2028 was just formalized in March 2024. Continue checking the website for new grant opportunities. Playgrounds are a priority area identified in the new plan. Approved applicants are usually local and state governmental units, but they can partner with nonprofits. Organizations applying for this grant must be implementing projects that support outdoor recreational activities. Eligible projects include the development of existing facilities or new facilities, as well as the acquisition of property for eventual public use. Property purchasing can include the acquisition of adjacent land to a developed recreational area or the conversion of a private recreation area to one for public use.

New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Mar 1, June 1, Sept 1, Dec 1

Award Amount: Up to $10,000 (typical grants are $2,500 - $5,000)

The purpose of the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation is to improve the quality of life for its members and the communities they serve. The NHEC Foundation provides grants to local non-profits throughout NHEC’s service territory. The NHEC Foundation supports charitable organizations that are designed to promote health and social well-being programs, enrichment programs and/or educational programs, hunger programs, cultural art programs, and academic achievement programs. Requests must come from NH-based non-profit organizations. Grant applications and Eligibility inquiry sheets can be found on the website. The Foundation board meets quarterly to award grants in March, June, September, and December. 

Randolph Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Randolph Foundation was created, and is sustained, by the residents and friends of Randolph, New Hampshire. The Foundation supports the needs of Randolph and its neighboring towns in a variety of areas including conservation, communication, education, recreation, town history, leadership, health and welfare, and other important issues as determined by the Board of Directors and the Randolph community. The Board of Directors meets five times a year to act on grant requests.

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 New Jersey

Dircks Foundation (Robert & Joan)

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan 22, March 27, May 24, Aug 12 and Nov 1

Award Amount: $1,000-$15,000

The Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation focuses on programs and projects that provide opportunities to children and adults who are physically, mentally, or economically disadvantaged. The Foundation concentrates on small, non-profit organizations, primarily in New Jersey, that provide programs and projects to prevent or solve problems, rather than operational needs. Once eligibility is confirmed, organizations must create an online account and submit a Letter of Intent through the Foundation’s dashboard. If accepted, your organization will receive a proposal request within the week.

Frank H. Stewart Trust

Administered by Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Additional Information

Deadline: July 1st

Award Amount: Up to $150,000 (1 to 2 grants are awarded each year)

The Trust was created to assist Gloucester County, Salem County, Atlantic County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, New Jersey, and the municipalities therein with the purchase of land to be used for public parks, recreation grounds, game refuges, fishing or propagation of fish, bird sanctuaries, or grounds for the protection and preservation of wildlife. In addition, the Trust supports the care, maintenance, upkeep, repair, improvement, and similar costs and expenses with respect to any land owned by prior grantees that was purchased with funds from the Trust. Any potential grant recipient shall obtain from its governing body a resolution or agreement that such lands to be purchased shall be dedicated by the recipient to the public. Applications are accepted year-round. Applications must be submitted by July 1 to be reviewed at the annual grant meeting that occurs in August.

Local Recreation Improvement Grant (LRIG)

New Jersey Dept of Community Affairs

Additional Information

Deadline: April 16

Award Amount: $100,000 maximum (more may be awarded on a case-by-case basis

The Local Recreation Improvement Grant is a competitive grant that supports the improvement and repair of public recreation facilities including local parks, municipal recreation centers, and local stadiums. Local Recreation Improvement Grant funds will be allocated to each grant recipient to help cover costs associated with updating community centers, playgrounds, pools, fields, walking or bicycle trails, rail trails, multi-sport courts, and recreational facilities; project development professional services costs; equipment costs including playground and recreation facilities equipment; and environmental remediation costs required to prepare recreation sites for use. Priority will be given to unfunded projects and those that include a local match component. New Jersey counties, municipalities, and school districts are eligible to apply.

Salem Health & Wellness Foundation Mini-Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $3,000

The Foundation provides mini-grants to support small-scale programming and events, which align with the interests of the Foundation and promote overall health and wellness to Salem County residents. Organizations must be in existence for a minimum of 3 years. Financial reports should show breakeven or surplus budgets in the last 2 out of 3 years. Organizations must be located or provide services in Salem County, NJ to be considered for funding. Requests are accepted on a rolling basis. Allow 30 days for review and determination by the Foundation.

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New Mexico

Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico Community Giving

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan. 12th - Nov. 11th or until funds are gone

Award Amount: Varies

One of the Foundation’s areas of focus are Neighborhood and Local Assets which includes access to physical activity. Grant funding is for program-focused initiatives or for general operating support. Requests for grant consideration must be made through the online application. Both 501C3 nonprofits and public school systems can apply.

Blue Impact Grants

Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico

Additional Information

Deadline: March 1, 2024 – April 15, 2024 online apps accepted

Award Amount: $20,000-$100,000

The areas of focus are Economic Opportunity and Stability: Addressing issues such as poverty, removing barriers to employment, providing good jobs, and upskilling. Nutrition:  Supporting efforts to decrease hunger and increase access to nutritional food.Neighborhood and Local Assets: Focusing on affordable healthy housing, access to transportation, and access to physical activity.Locally Defined Health Solutions: Addressing local health and human service needs.Optimal Health Outcomes: â€¯Helping close gaps in care, specifically around six priority areas: immunizations; diabetes care; cardiovascular care; behavioral health; early detection cancer screening, and maternal & infant health. Grant recipients were announced in June.

McCune Charitable Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Up to $35,000

The McCune Charitable Foundation accepts online applications for community-based projects in the State of New Mexico related to their nine Foundation Priorities. Grants can be awarded to qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, federally recognized Native American tribes, public schools, and governmental agencies. There are several grant opportunities. The “Cultivate” grant is $15,000 for a seed or pilot project. The “Focus” grant is $35,000 for an established organization with a program that is closely aligned with foundation priorities and collaborates as part of its program approach. Discretionary grants of up to $5,000 can be applied for all year. The average award is $1,000.

New Mexico Children’s Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 9

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

The NMCF is a unique source of funding for programs that provide critical services for children in New Mexico’s most underserved settings. Grant funding is available to nonprofits with annual budgets of $400,000 or less. Granting priority is often given to rural NM community programs addressing the unmet needs of children 18 or younger.

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New York

Allyn Family Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Early childhood education, economic development and opportunity, vibrant neighborhoods, and women’s health are focus areas of the Allyn Family Foundation. Nonprofit organizations that make a positive impact in these areas, especially those with a focus on young children, minorities, women, and underserved communities, are most likely to receive funding.

Bender Family Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Up to $15,000

The Bender Family Foundation works within the city of Albany and the surrounding community, benefiting programs that serve the areas of arts, culture, education, history, and the environment. The Foundation favors organizations with directors who actively volunteer in the community. Capital campaigns and expenditures are considered for funding. The Foundation will award challenge grants and will permit grants to be used as matching funds for other foundation grants. Applicants must submit a pre-application and will receive an email from the Foundation if they are interested in receiving a full application.

Central New York Community Foundation – Community Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Community Grant application deadlines typically fall at the beginning of March and October each year.

Award Amount: Varies

The Central New York Community Foundation funds grants and initiatives that make a positive difference in the lives of Central New York residents. Their largest grantmaking program is Community Grants. Nonprofit organizations in Onondaga and Madison counties are encouraged to apply for grants to fund innovative projects in the areas of arts and culture, civic affairs, education, health, human services and the environment. They fund capital projects and programs. They strongly encourage and prefer capital projects that are environmentally sustainable.

Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The mission of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region is to strengthen the metropolitan area and communities surrounding Albany through philanthropy. With more than 420 separate charitable funds, the Community Foundation works closely with its donors to achieve their philanthropic goals. Visit the website to search for relevant grants that your nonprofit can benefit from.

Community Foundation for South Central New York

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation for South Central New York is looking for nonprofits to help increase access to community resources, maintain community spaces, increase innovation, increase organizational capacity, and improve the lives of the South Central community. Organizations with similar goals and are located or provide services within Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, or Tioga counties are eligible to apply for funding. The Foundation only invites proposals after reviewing a letter of inquiry. They offer multiple grant cycles per year of varying amounts. Amounts are listed in the guidelines for each opportunity.

Mee Charitable Foundation (George and Margaret) NY, PA

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 31st, June 30th, Sept. 30th, and Dec. 31st

Award Amount: Varies, minimum $1,000

The Mee Foundation invests in projects and programs of 501C3’s that support the communities of Broome County and Delaware County, New York; Cameron County, Pennsylvania; and occasionally the surrounding areas. The general categories of funding include Education, Community and Recreation, Health and Human Services, and Arts and Culture. Awards may be considered for capital projects or well-established programs. Awards may also be considered for startup funds and new initiatives. The Foundation’s application is on the website. Applications must be downloaded, filled out, and mailed by regular mail along with the required attachments. There is no online application.

Pinkerton Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation supports community-based programs for children, youth, and families in economically disadvantaged areas in New York City. Pinkerton favors direct-service programs that help young people reach their full potential. Applicants must submit a brief letter of inquiry describing the grantee organization and the proposed project through the online grant portal. Letters of inquiry are welcome at any time. The Foundation only offers capital grants to organizations with which they have pre-existing working relationships. Programs that can make substantial gains within the timetable of three years will be given priority. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees has two grantmaking meetings a year, in May and December. Grant decisions are announced immediately after those meetings.

Weinberg Foundation – New York

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation’s grantmaking in New York City covers the five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. All grants must align with the Foundation’s focus areas: Housing, Health, Jobs, Education, and Community Services - The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. Grants serve a range of individuals, including women at risk and their children, older adults, people with disabilities, and the Jewish community. The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaii, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership.

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North Carolina

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The mission of BCBS is to improve the health and well-being of everyone in North Carolina. Unlike some foundations, they do not operate regular grant cycles. Instead, they invite applications based on specific strategic objectives or announce broader opportunities to apply for funding. Organizations can sign up online to be notified of upcoming grant opportunities.

Duke Endowment – NC, SC

Additional Information

Deadline: June 15, Dec 15

Award Amount: Varies

The Duke Endowment’s work in North Carolina and South Carolina focuses primarily on four program areas: child and family well-being, health care, higher education, and rural church. With the Child and family well-being grants, a new pre-application process will determine the eligibility of an organization before enacting the labor of developing a full proposal. Within 30 days of submitting the pre-application form, organizations will receive a Request for Proposal or a notice that the project does not align with Duke Endowment’s current priorities.

Parks and Recreation Trust Fund

North Carolina Division of Parks & Recreation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) awards matching grants to local governments for parks, public beach access, and improvements in state parks. Park and public access goals of local governments can be met with the help of this program, improving the overall quality of life in their communities. A citizen board, called the Parks and Recreation Authority, decides which applicants and programs to fund. This board reviews the quality of planning, public involvement, and quality of land and recreation facilities provisions. Innovative, high-quality park projects in all 100 North Carolina counties have been awarded PARTF funds.

Winston-Salem Foundation Capital Improvement Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: August 1st

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

Capital Improvement Grants support time-limited projects for Forsyth County nonprofits to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets (such as property, buildings, technology, or equipment). Online application opens mid-July. The funding decision is announced at the end of November. The Foundation considers a strong applicant to have been in operation for at least 2 years. Approved expenses include Existing facilities (renovations, upgrades, repairs, and ADA accessibility), New facilities, Major material goods (equipment, vehicles, and furniture), Technology and software, Beautification (green space, plants, lighting, fencing, etc.), Supplies (lower priority).

The Winston-Salem Foundation Small Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: May 6, July 22, Oct 11

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

Small Grants of up to $2,000 are available to organizations and groups with an annual income of $150,000 or less. The maximum grant available for youth athletic teams is $500. The foundation will announce grant awards one month after each closing date. Small Grants are available to organizations and groups with annual incomes of $150,000 or less to support a range of projects and services. While we make occasional grants for equipment, these are low-priority.

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North Dakota

Andrist Charitable Trust (John & Elaine)

Northwest North Dakota Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: April 30, Oct 31

Award amount: Minimum $500

The John & Elaine Andrist Charitable Trust focuses their giving in the areas of Arts, culture & creativity, Community development (including recreation facilities), Economic Development, and Innovation. In grantmaking decisions with all things being equal, priority may be given to projects in Crosby first, Divide County second, and Western North Dakota after that. All grant proposals must be submitted by mail.

FM Area Foundation – MN, ND

Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: April 10

Award Amount: $500 - $15,000

The FM Area Foundation is a community foundation created by and for the people of Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota. The FM Area Foundation manages more than 440 charitable funds and provides grants to qualified nonprofit organizations and causes. The Foundation considers grant applications in the following areas of impact: basic human needs; education; community building; arts, culture, and creativity; and women and children. Grant awards are announced in June. Capital needs/projects are not accepted.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

North Dakota Parks and Recreation

Additional Information

Deadline: The next grant round opens in May 2025

Award amount: Minimum $60,000

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is a 50/50 matching grant reimbursement program administered at the state level by the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) and funded at the federal level by the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS). The LWCF provides grants for outdoor recreation projects such as ball fields, pools, campgrounds, playgrounds, and land acquisitions for park development. The following entities are eligible to apply: Cities, counties, and townships, Park boards and park districts, School districts, State agencies, Water management districts, and federally recognized Indian tribes. Lands that receive federal assistance through the Land and Water Conservation Fund must remain dedicated to public outdoor recreation use in perpetuity. 

North Dakota Community Foundation

Statewide Greatest Needs Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: July 31st

Award Amount: Up to $5,000

The North Dakota Community Foundation offers grants up to $5,000 to 501(c)(3) nonprofits serving North Dakota. With no strict area of focus, the NDCF judges every application on its own merits. They try to take into consideration the different geographic regions of the state with an emphasis on helping organizations that have limited access to other sources of funding. Applications are submitted online. The board of directors reviews applications in September and grant awards are made in October.

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Akron Community Foundation Capital Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: May 1 – June 1 open grant period

Award Amount: $2,500 - $25,000

Every other year, the community foundation offers capital grants to current recipients of the foundation's competitive grant cycles, as well as to organizations with agency endowment funds at Akron Community Foundation. Eligible organizations that need funding to renovate or repair their facilities, or to purchase essential equipment, should apply. It is strongly recommended that at least 50% of the funds needed for the project be secured before applying for a capital grant. Only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with capital projects that benefit Summit County residents are qualified to apply. Awards will be announced in late September 2024.

Akron Community Foundation Community Fund Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation’s competitive grantmaking combines local resources with community knowledge to help nonprofits improve life in Summit County. Each quarter, the board requests applications to meet the community's most pressing needs in Arts & Culture, Civic Affairs, Health & Human Services, and Education. First-time applicants must complete a special form and contact the Foundation before applying. Each grant opportunity has its own deadline. Applications must be submitted online. Grant award announcements are emailed to all applicants 6-8 weeks after the deadline.

Cleveland Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Up to $250,000 or more

The Cleveland Foundation is the community foundation serving Greater Cleveland, including Cuyahoga, Lake, and Geauga counties. Its mission is to enhance the lives of all residents of Greater Cleveland, now and for generations to come. The Cleveland Foundation does not predetermine funding levels and applicants should request the amount that truly meets the needs of the project. All applicants must submit an online inquiry describing your project and it will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The Foundation will notify you if they are interested in receiving a full application. Requests that are over $250,000 will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Priority is given to the following areas: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environment, Health & Human Services, Leadership Development, Neighborhood Revitalization & Engagement, and Youth & Social Services.


Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Additional Information

Deadline: June 1

Award amount: County allocation up to $150,000 max if available

The NatureWorks grant program provides up to 75% reimbursement assistance for local government subdivisions (townships, villages, cities, counties, park districts, joint recreation districts, and conservancy districts) for the acquisition, development, and rehabilitation of recreational areas. 25% funding match is required. All local subdivisions of government are eligible (local school boards are ineligible).

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Cherokee Strip Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: September 13

Award Amount: $1,000- $10,000

The Cherokee Strip Community Foundation welcomes proposals from any non-profit organizations that benefit residents of Northwest Oklahoma, including the Enid and surrounding areas. The Foundation will consider funding for special projects, innovative programs, technology, and capacity building. Most grants are in the $1,000 to $10,000 range. Larger grants could be made on occasion. Final grant decisions will be made by mid-November.

Kerr Foundation Challenge Grant

Additional Information 

Deadline: April 30 Letter of Inquiry and June 30 if full application is requested by Foundation

Award Amount: Varies

The Kerr Foundation will fund non-profit organizations in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, and Texas, but their priority is Oklahoma. Applying Organizations should serve youth in the community and have a focus on education, health, cultural development, and community service. The Kerr Foundation most often awards challenge grants, which are matching grants. Before receiving Kerr Foundation funding, the recipient organization must first secure matched funding. The grant application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry. Check the website for details.

Opportunities for Children Grants

Oklahoma City Community Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

Grants are awarded to charitable organizations that provide direct services for children birth to age 14 and offer access to enrichment opportunities that otherwise would not be available. Service Area: Oklahoma, Cleveland, and Canadian Counties

Programs must provide direct services in central Oklahoma. Organizations must have a governing board located in central Oklahoma Populations of focus: Children ages 0-5, Children ages 0-14 in Foster Care: Children ages 0-14 with limited access to recreational, social, and/or cultural activities: Grants for year-round projects may be awarded up to a maximum of $40,000 and will require a full application. Grants for summer or short-term projects and camps may be awarded up to a maximum of $5,000 and will require an abbreviated application.

TSET Healthy Incentive Grants - Communities

Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 1 – 29 open grant period

Award amount: $10,000 - $200,000

TSET Healthy Incentive Grants for Communities are designed to help cities and towns adopt and implement best and promising practices for tobacco-free city property, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and physical activity for the benefit of the whole community. Funding is determined by the population size of the city or town applying, and how many anti-smoking activities they fulfill (see the website for details). Any incorporated city/town/municipality in the state of Oklahoma may apply. Outdoor physical activity equipment is an eligible purpose under this grant.

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The Bill Healy Foundation – HI, OR

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan, April, July, September

Award Amount: $1,000-$50,000

The Bill Healy Foundation provides funding to work done in Hawaii and/or Oregon. Most of their grantees are located in either state, but they will consider national nonprofits as long as the proposed project is located in Hawaii or Oregon. They partner with nonprofit teams working to mitigate climate change, protect ecosystems, educate and advocate for youth and reduce child poverty. All of their awarded grants are for unrestricted funding which means that the awardee can best decide how to use it for their approved project. The first step is to submit a Letter of Inquiry online, and they will notify within 30 days if you are accepted to submit a full application. In Oregon in 2021 they funded the first rural schoolyard project with an innovative playground that doubles as a community park.

Local Government Grant Program

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

Additional Information

Deadline: April - May

Award Amount: Varies

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department approves projects depending on two things, the amount of money available, and where the project stands on the small or large project priority list. The grant cycle opens January 1, the deadline for large grant applications is April 1, the deadline for small grant applications is May 1 and planning grants are due May 15th. The applications will be reviewed in June/July. Eligible projects involve land acquisition, development, and major rehabilitation projects that are consistent with the outdoor recreation goals and objectives.

Oregon Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Fall 2024 – date uncertain

Award Amount: $5,000 -$30,000

The Oregon Community Foundation’s Community Grants Program is targeted toward small and moderate-sized 501(c)(3) nonprofits. In the Spring 2024 grant cycle, they prioritized general operating support for small, rural, culturally specific or culturally responsive projects.

The Fall 2024 cycle is for capacity building, small capital and new or expanding project funding. They anticipate publishing program guidelines at the end of May and expect applications to open at the end of June. Please check the website for specific dates and updates.

Safeco Insurance Fund – OR, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The SafeCo Insurance Fund, as a part of the Liberty Mutual Foundation, supports nonprofit organizations within the states of Washington and Oregon. The focus of their grant program is education and health & safety prioritizing youth, low-income families & individuals, and people with disabilities. Applicants must demonstrate solid financials, goals, plans, and budgets to be considered. They create these grants to assist in operating and program support to give organizations the flexibility needed to do the best for their communities. Capital funding can be requested. Grant applications are submitted online and are reviewed every 6 weeks.

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Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Last business day of April

Award Amount: Varies

The Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation offers unrestricted funding grants to 501(c)(3) organizations located in or serving Blair County, Pennsylvania. One of the types of nonprofits they look for are those that provide facilities for public recreation. Grants must be received in the CPCF office by 4:00 p.m. on the final business day in April. This is not a postmark. Applications will be reviewed by the Grants committee in May so that a recommendation can be given to the Board of Directors in June for a final decision. Applicants will be notified within four (4) weeks after the decision has been made by the Board.

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation – PA, WV

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling – applications are accepted throughout the year

Award Amount: Varies

The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation was established in 1944 by Michael and Sarah Benedum to improve the quality of life in West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania. The main areas of focus are economic development, education, community development and health. Their grants do not fund construction or equipment. Funding focus by region are: West Virginia – economic development, education, community development, health. Southwestern Pennsylvania – Economic development, education. First time applicants or those unsure of whether their project is in line with the Foundation’s priorities should call or send an email to the Foundation.

Flyers Charities

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Philadelphia Flyers Charities are a great resource for 501(c)(3) organizations that serve the Greater Philadelphia area. The charities represent a range of nonprofits that provide educational and recreational resources for underserved youth. If your organization fits that mold, then proposals can be submitted online or in writing. A full proposal must include the organization’s mission and description, contact information, 501(c)(3) determination letter, a summary of the program or project to be funded, and the requested amount. Applicants typically receive a response to their funding request in as little as six weeks. Keep your eye out for grant announcements, because they announce on social media a lot too.

The Heinz Endowment

Additional Information 

Deadline: Feb. 15th and July 15th

Award Amount: Up to $50,000

If you’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in southwestern Pennsylvania, the Heinz Endowments Children, Youth & Families Fund is the grant for you. This fund prioritizes work in the strategic areas of creativity, learning, and sustainability. After creating an account with Heinz Endowments, you will need to pass a short eligibility quiz before proceeding to the full application. After a review process, the Heinz Endowment Board will either decline your application or request more information. From there, the full proposal can be submitted. Proposals less than $50,000 can be considered on a rolling basis. There is a “Share Your Idea” form on the website which is a good idea for first-time applicants to use to have their project idea reviewed. Online grant applications only.

Highmark Foundation – PA, WV

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Highmark Foundation supports 501(c)(3) nonprofits that work in western and central Pennsylvania and West Virginia with a focus on the following areas: chronic disease, family health, and service delivery systems. The Foundation prefers to fund evidence-based programs that impact multiple counties with replicable long-term models that attract collaborative funding by community leaders. The Foundation will fund demonstrations, pilot projects, model programs, and expansions as well as established initiatives. Grant proposals can be submitted online.

Mee Charitable Foundation (George and Margaret) NY, PA

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 31st, June 30th, Sept. 30th, and Dec. 31st

Award Amount: Varies, minimum $1,000

The Mee Foundation invests in projects and programs of 501C3’s that support the communities of Broome County and Delaware County, New York; Cameron County, Pennsylvania; and occasionally the surrounding areas. The general categories of funding include Education, Community and Recreation, Health and Human Services, and Arts and Culture. Awards may be considered for capital projects, or well-established programs. Awards may also be considered for startup funds and new initiatives. The Foundation’s application is on the website. Applications must be downloaded and filled out and mailed by regular mail along with required attachments. There is no online application.

Weinberg Foundation – Northeastern Pennsylvania

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation’s grantmaking in Northeastern Pennsylvania covers Scranton and the surrounding counties. Grants must align with the Foundation’s focus areas: Housing, Health, Jobs, Education, and Community Services - The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. Grants serve a range of individuals, including women at risk and their children, older adults, people with disabilities, and the Jewish community. The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaii, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership.

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Rhode Island

Champlin Foundation – Capital Funding

Additional Information 

Deadline: June 1 – July 1 grant application period

Award Amount: Varies

Champlin grants are focused on ensuring the long-term stability of the charities in our community by supporting their equipment needs and their facilities. Their grants are not used for programming or general operations. They support sectors that might qualify for playground equipment: conservation and parks, education, youth services. They do not fund municipal playgrounds. Online application required.

Empowering Communities Programs

Rhode Island Energy

Additional Information

Deadline: Twice annually Jan 1-Feb 15 and Aug 1-Sept 15

Award amount: $1,000 - $50,000

Rhode Island Energy’s Empowering Communities Grants will provide support to non-profits throughout Rhode Island. Grants of $1,000 to $50,000 will be awarded to support education initiatives; promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; and strengthen community resources. Funds will be used to inspire students to explore career opportunities, facilitate community conversations on diversity and inclusion, encourage environmental conservation in the next generation, and much more. Online application required.

Harbor One Foundation

Harbor One Bank

Additional Information

Deadline: Twice annually May 1 and Oct 1

Award amount: $5,000 - $50,000

The Foundation's work seeks to provide greater access and equity in the areas of educational opportunity, safe and affordable housing and basic needs. They provide grants for the benefit of the Greater Providence area and its surrounding communities. They will not fund organizations which utilize a fiscal agent. The Foundation awards general operating grants, program grants, and they will selectively consider capital requests. Online application required.

Rhode Island Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Rhode Island Foundation believes that focus on three key areas will have the greatest impact on the state: improving economic, education, and health outcomes for all Rhode Islanders. They have a wide range of grants and funds available. Each has distinct requirements, eligibility, and deadlines. Refer to the website and search for grant opportunities.

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South Carolina

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina

Additional Information 

Deadline: Fall cycle opens in May

Award Amount: Varies

The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation seeks to build and promote a healthier South Carolina by addressing health inequities. The Foundation’s focuses are: Access to Care, Building a Stronger Workforce for Health, Improving the Quality and Value of Health and Health Care, Investing in the Health and Well-being of SC Children and Families, and Research Projects. A Letter of Intent is required and the Foundation will notify you if they are interested in receiving a full application.

Coastal Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $2,500- $125,000

Coastal Community Foundation’s competitive grants are available to organizations serving these counties along South Carolina’s coast: Berkeley, Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton and Jasper counties. They organize them by region, the Southern Lowcountry and the Northern Lowcountry, although some programs are available to both regions. Go to the website and begin by clicking on the region where your organization operates to see which opportunities are available.

Connected Communities Grants

Central Carolina Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $10,000 - $60,000

Connected Communities is a challenge grant for interesting and engaging ideas to improve the community’s quality of life and livability and to increase residents’ satisfaction and community attachment. Applicants are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the Grant Guidelines prior to applying. Organizations must be physically located in one of the following 11 counties in the Midlands: Calhoun, Clarendon, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lee, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda and Sumter. Organizations must register for and participate in Midlands Gives.

Duke Endowment – NC, SC

Additional Information

Deadline: June 15, Dec 15

Award Amount: Varies

The Duke Endowment’s work in North Carolina and South Carolina focuses primarily on four program areas: child and family well-being, health care, higher education, and rural church. With the Child and family well-being grants, a new pre-application process will determine the eligibility of an organization before enacting the labor of developing a full proposal. Within 30 days of submitting the pre-application form, organizations will receive a Request for Proposal or a notice that the project does not align with Duke Endowment’s current priorities.

Park and Recreation Development Fund

South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Park and Recreation Development (PARD) Fund is a state-funded, noncompetitive, reimbursable grant program for eligible local governments or special purpose district entities which provide recreational opportunities within each county. PARD assists in the development of new public recreation facilities or with the enhancement/renovation of existing facilities. Projects need the endorsement of a majority weighted vote factor of County Legislative Delegation members. Eligible entities are notified of new allocation amounts each July.

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South Dakota

Knight Foundation - CA,FL, GA, MI, MN, NC, OH, PA

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation focuses on specific target issues: Downtown and Neighborhood Revitalization, Public Spaces, Economic Opportunity, “Smart Cities” as Responsive Cities. They fund primarily in eight cities where the foundation has resident program officers. Knight program directors are your first point of contact. Check the website for instructions on how to submit a Letter of Inquiry. Cities with program directors: San Jose, CA – Miami, FL – Macon, GA – Detroit, MI – St. Paul, MN – Charlotte, NC – Akron, OH – Philadelphia, PA

Land and Water Conservation Fund

South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks

Additional Information

Deadline: April 26

Award Amount: $10,000 or More

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is a federal aid assistance program to help states provide outdoor recreation facilities. The program provides up to 50 percent reimbursement funds for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation projects. Eligible applicants include city, county, township, and tribal governments. Some eligible projects may include, but are not limited to: playgrounds, ballfields, sports and play fields, picnic facilities, pools, ice rinks, golf courses, amphitheaters, winter sports facilities, visitor information facilities, and land acquisitions.

Larson Family Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 2nd - Feb. 15th and July 2nd - Aug. 15th for LOI’s

Award Amount: $100,000 maximum

The Larson Family Foundation offers grants exclusively to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations within the state of South Dakota. Letters of intent must include a brief statement of the organization’s history, mission, and goals, as well as a summary of the amount requested and the activities for those funds intended. Selected grant-seekers will receive a request for a full application. The Foundation prefers to support basic human needs such as food, clothing, shelter and education

South Dakota Fund Grants

South Dakota Community Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: $2,000-$20,000

The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted fund that makes grants to non-profit and charitable organizations across the state in support of culture, economic development, education, financial literacy, health and human services. Projects which have paid staff but involve significant and continuous community volunteer support to enhance their existing programs will be favorably considered. Equipment purchases over $10,000 are not usually funded. Letters of Inquiry (LOI) will be accepted throughout the year. The Foundation will respond to all applicants in a timely manner. Following review of the LOI, applicants may be invited to complete a full grant application.

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East Tennessee Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

ETF coordinates grant funding within a particular East Tennessee county or region within the Foundation’s 25-county service area. Because the application requirements vary for each grant program and fund, please visit each grant program or fund’s page for more specific information and qualifications. All applications must be completed and submitted via the Foundation’s online grant management system. An organization may only submit one application per grant cycle for each specific grant program, but an organization may apply for every grant program for which it is eligible (i.e., grants from more than one fund).

Local Parks and Recreation Fund

Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation

Additional Information

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF) provides grants to eligible local government entities for the purchase of lands for parks, natural areas, greenways, and recreation facilities. The funds may also be used for trail development and capital projects in parks, natural areas, and greenways. At least 60 percent of the funds allocated will go to municipal governments as authorized by TCA 67-4-409. All grant projects must be on publicly owned land. City or county governments may apply.

Middle Tennessee Fund

HCA Healthcare Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: March, June, September, and December

Award Amount: Varies

The Middle Tennessee Fund supports organizations providing services in the areas of health and wellbeing, basic needs, primary care, education and the arts. Their funding geography focuses on Middle Tennessee counties, including Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson and Wilson. Their grant types include general operating support, program support and capital support. Nonprofit organizations need to have been a 501C3 for longer than 3 years. Capital requests are reviewed at the Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 board meetings. First-time grant applications to the Foundation are reviewed at the Quarter 2, 3 and 4 board meetings. New applicants must fill out the Applicant Inquiry Form and receive a reply from HCA Healthcare Foundation staff before proceeding with a grant application.

Small Grants Program

Tennessee Disability Coalition

Additional Information 

Deadline: Spring and Fall

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

The Tennessee Disability Coalition is an affiliate of the Southeast Americans with Disabilities Act. Its goal is to promote self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities. The Coalition's Board of Directors offers biannual small grant awards of up to $10,000.00 per grant. In keeping with the mission of the Coalition, the grant awards must BUILD CAPACITY in the disability community and include a sustainability plan.

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Esping Family Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb. 15th and July 15th

Award Amount: Varies

The Esping Family Foundation exists to help people and institutions of Dallas County to help themselves and future generations. For the spring grant cycle, a Letter of Inquiry(LOI) is due on or before February 15th. For the fall cycle, a Letter of Inquiry(LOI) is due on or before July 15th. The Foundation will notify those that they are interested in receiving a full application from.

Herzstein Charitable Foundation (Albert and Ethel)

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation pursues a mission to support free enterprise, strengthen families, preserve heritage, educate individuals and communities, and provide second chances where appropriate, encouraging individuals to realize their potential and ability to achieve their highest quality of life. To apply for a grant, an organization must be a qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the Houston area or within the state of Texas. Applications are accepted online all year. The board of directors meets in Feb, May, Aug and October to review applications. Lobbying the directors of the Foundation individually can only hurt your organization’s chances of being selected.

Local Parks Grants

Texas Parks and Wildlife

Additional Information

Deadline: Aug 1

Award amount: Varies

The Local Park Grant Program consists of 5 individual programs that assist local units of government with the acquisition and/or development of public recreation areas and facilities throughout the State of Texas. The Program provides 50% matching grants on a reimbursement basis to eligible applicants. All grant assisted sites must be dedicated as parkland in perpetuity, properly maintained and open to the public. Eligible applicants include political subdivisions of the State of Texas legally responsible for providing public recreation services to their citizens. An Aug 1 deadline is the same for 3 grant opportunities that could be used to fund playgrounds: Urban Outdoor Recreation $1.5 million, Non-Urban Outdoor Recreation $750,000, Small Community Recreation $150,000.

National Life Group Foundation – TX, VT

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan. 1st - March 31st Open grant period annually

Award Amount: $1,000 - $5,000

The Foundation funds grants and sponsorships. They do not fund new programs. They instead focus on proven programs. They are primarily focused on programs that help end childhood hunger, address children’s mental health and those that support community development in the Montpelier, VT and Dallas, TX areas. The vast majority of their funding is centered on central and northern VT and the Dallas, TX area where their employees live and work. Decisions on grant awards will usually be made within 3 months after the March 31 deadline.

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Daniels Fund - Utah

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Rewritten paragraph

The Daniels Fund’s main priorities are helping people with disabilities, early childhood education, homelessness, K-12 education reform, drug and alcohol addiction, amateur sports, youth development and aging. In Utah, the Foundation has elevated several priorities for significant efforts. K-12 Education: The Daniels Fund is committed to adding 25,000 “choice seats” (charter, private, virtual, homeschool, micro-school, and more) across Utah by 2030. Daniels Fund supports school replications and expansions, school start-ups, portable vouchers, and tuition assistance for students, giving families in Utah more options for a quality education. Civics Education: help youth increase respectful civil discourse, understand how to engage in political processes, and have a greater appreciation for our democratic systems. Youth Sports: increasing participation in youth sports, particularly for youth unable to access quality sports for financial reasons. Applicants who feel that they are a good fit with the Foundation’s priorities should fill out an inquiry form on the grants portal. You will receive an email confirmation that your inquiry was received. After review, the Foundation will notify you whether they want you to submit a full application or not.

R. Harold Burton Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: February and August

Award Amount: Varies

Striving to continue his legacy of service, the R. Harold Burton Foundation supports programs or projects in the areas of education, science, literacy, and health concentrated in the greater Salt Lake Metropolitan Area. The board will consider all eligible proposals from 501c3’s. The board of directors meets in the spring and fall to consider grant requests. The Foundation’s application is on the website, and they require that you follow all instructions and mail a hard copy to their office before the grant deadline(s). They don’t accept applications by email.

Hemingway Foundation (Richard K. and Shirley S.) – ID, UT

Additional Information 

Deadline: March 1-April 1 open grant period

Award Amount: Varies – most awards are $5,000-$15,000

The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life in Utah and Idaho communities, specifically communities in northern Utah (including the Wasatch front and back), and southern and central Idaho. Its main priorities are arts and culture, environmental stewardship, and self-sufficiency. Due to limited funds available, they have changed their grant process in 2024. No letters of inquiry are accepted. Contact info is on the website if you would like to discuss your project in advance. They are only accepting grant requests from those they deem the most likely to be successful. 1) If you have received at least one grant of MORE than $5,000 in the past 3 years from Hemingway 2) You intend to request a grant of similar size to what you received before. Funds are disbursed approximately 6-8 months after application deadline.

Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant

Utah Department of Natural Resources

Additional Information

Deadline: Jan. 16th - March 15th

Award Amount: $15,001 - $200,000

Utah is the first state to create an Office of Outdoor Recreation. This office has become a national leader, working to broaden the economic value of the state’s outdoors. The Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant supports infrastructure projects throughout the state and enhances recreation amenities in Utah’s communities. Local and tribal governments, as well as nonprofits can apply. Some grants have a matching requirement depending on the county that the project is serving.

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A.D. Henderson Foundation – FL, VT

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Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: $15,000 to $100,000

The Foundation focuses its grantmaking on strengthening early childhood programs and supporting programs that enable families with young children to thrive in Broward County, Florida and the State of Vermont. Please contact a Foundation Program Director to discuss the program/project. Contact info is on the website. The Program Directors meet quarterly with the Board of Trustees to recommend proposals to be considered for approval. The applicant will be contacted regarding the Board’s decision and the next steps to complete the process.

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Vermont Grants

Additional Information 

Deadline: May 1

Award Amount: Up to $15,000

The Ben and Jerry’s Foundation Vermont grants are offered to nonprofits located in Vermont and working to address racial, economic, social and environmental disparities and justice in Vermont. One of their funding preferences is equity in education and early childcare. Nonprofits with annual budgets over $350,000 are not eligible. Letters of interest (by mail or email) are not accepted. Start the process by taking their eligibility questionnaire online.

Canaday Family Charitable Trust

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Deadline: February 2nd

Award Amount: Varies

The Canaday Family Charitable Trust is all about Vermont. They fund organizations and projects that are Vermont-based and Vermont-focused. If a project only takes place partially in Vermont, the Canady Trust will cover the Vermont portion of the endeavor and leave the rest to an outside investor. They prefer to fund special projects or new initiatives. They will consider operating funds by invitation only. Proposals for capital purchases and equipment are considered. The Trust requests specificity, clarity, and brevity in proposals and is particularly interested in the educational aspects of whatever project your organization is proposing. Grant awards are announced in July.

National Life Group Foundation – TX, VT

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan. 1st - March 31st Open grant period annually

Award Amount: $1,000 - $5,000

The Foundation funds grants and sponsorships. They do not fund new programs. They instead focus on proven programs. They are primarily focused on programs that help end childhood hunger, address children’s mental health and those that support community development in the Montpelier, VT and Dallas, TX areas. The vast majority of their funding is centered on central and northern VT and the Dallas, TX area where their employees live and work. Decisions on grant awards will usually be made within 3 months after the March 31 deadline.

Vermont Community Foundation

Vermont Community Foundation

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Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Vermont Community Foundation is a family of hundreds of funds and foundations created by Vermonters to serve their charitable goals. They host competitive grant rounds every year, which are specific to a region of Vermont, or a community within Vermont. They fund programs and operations of qualified nonprofits working in the areas of community vitality, support for youth and families, workforce development and educational pathways, environmental needs, & arts and culture. All grantseekers should begin by creating an organizational profile in their Online Grants Center.

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Alleghany Foundation

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Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Alleghany Foundation strives to strengthen the quality of life in the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia by awarding grants to their community. They have several areas of focus, including health and wellness, physical activity, and fitness. Past grants have been awarded for hiking trail improvements, park improvements, sports complexes, and exercise and weight rooms. There is an online application, and results are communicated to the applicant within 3 months after applying.

Community Foundation For a Greater Richmond

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Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Community Foundation is focused on results-based grantmaking that serves Richmond and Central Virginia in one or more of their priority funding areas: cultural vibrancy, economic prosperity, educational success, and health & wellness. Competitive Grants offer program and operating support to 501(c)(3) nonprofits that match the Foundation’s culture. Partnering with the Jenkins Foundation and the Sheltering Arms Foundation Fund, The Community Foundation works to build a strong and sustainable network of nonprofits throughout the region. Eligible organizations must submit a summary proposal through the online portal by creating an account online.

The Dennis Foundation

Administered by Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Additional Information 

Deadline: September 15th

Award Amount: $500-$5000

The Dennis Foundation aims to support charitable, scientific, literary, religious, and educational causes in central Virginia, primarily Richmond, Virginia. Applications submitted by September 15th will be reviewed at the annual grant meeting in October. Applicants will receive an automated confirmation email for their submission. In December, applicants will receive their grant decision. A progress report is required of all grantees within 6 months of receiving funds.

Hampton Roads Community Foundation

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Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Hampton Roads Community Foundation serves southeastern Virginia by supporting 501(c)(3) nonprofits that can demonstrate community impact, equity, collaboration and partnership, and innovation & creativity. Eligible organizations must serve Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Isle of Wight County, or the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Virginia Peninsula nonprofits may be eligible to apply for Special Interest grants. Review the website for the grants that align with your nonprofit’s mission including Vibrant Places, Health & Wellness, Cultural Vitality, or Educational Excellence. Both seed funding and program funding are available.

Home Office Giving Program

Carmax Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Sept. 1st - Oct. 15th

Award Amount: Varies

The CarMax Foundation’s mission is to support high-quality programs in the areas of Health & Wellness, Education & Workforce Success, and Resilient Communities. The Home Office Giving Program is focused on the greater Richmond, Virginia area. Ideally, this fund extends to 501(c)(3) nonprofits serving the city of Richmond or the counties of Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, or Henrico. Programs should support educational opportunities for children, youth leadership, or healthy living and demonstrate a demand for this kind of work in the community it is intended to serve. Eligible organizations must submit a preliminary online proposal by the October deadline. Selected candidates will be notified by the following spring if they should continue to submit a full proposal.

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Glaser Foundation

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Deadline: May 31st

Award Amount: $500-$50,000

The Glaser Foundation has been serving the community of King County in Washington State since 1952, providing services to populations that need it most. The Board of Directors is currently accepting program proposals from 501(c)(3) organizations that focus on the following: educational/vocational training; health-related issues; services to the elderly; services to children with disabilities; services to children from disadvantaged backgrounds; services to at-risk youth. If your organization meets the eligibility criteria, application forms can be downloaded from the website and e-mailed directly to the foundation. All applications must be approved by the Board directly, so it may take up to 9 months to hear back.

Liberty Mutual Foundation – MA, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Grant award: Varies

The Foundation’s grants help nonprofits that work to empower families and individuals who are struggling to thrive amid challenging situations. They prioritize helping in the Greater Boston, MA area, and in Greater Puget Sound and select counties in WA. They offer single and multi-year program grants, supplemented by occasional operating support, and capital grants that are invitation only. Discretionary proposals initiated by nonprofits are accepted on a rolling basis. Their Request for Proposals (RFPs), specific to each funding area, are time limited, and have set deadlines. They give preference to nonprofit organizations with solid financials, systems for measuring impact, a strong board and staff, strategic plans and budgets. The Foundation also does a 100% match to employee charitable donations made through payroll deductions.

Neighbor to Neighbor

Seattle Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Jan. 30th, April 30th, July 30th, and Oct. 30th

Award Amount: Up to $7,500

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) supports nonprofit organizations that focus on community member engagement in their work on poverty and racial disparities. Priority is on efforts led by people from diverse and under-invested communities. South Seattle, White Center, and Kent are the primary areas the Foundation supports. With a focus on organizations with small budget sizes, N2N is committed to making Greater Seattle communities stronger. N2N awards grants quarterly.

Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Feb 29, May 28, Sept 6, Nov 22

Award Amount: $2,000-$7,500

The Foundation’s vision is to provide funding for capital and equipment projects to organizations working to improve the quality of life and benefit residents in Northwest Washington. Applications are accepted from nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that operates within the Northwest Washington region. Grant decisions are made quarterly. Capital funding is given on a case-by-case basis.

Safeco Insurance Fund – OR, WA

Additional Information

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The SafeCo Insurance Fund, as a part of the Liberty Mutual Foundation, supports nonprofit organizations within the states of Washington and Oregon. The focus of their grant program is education and health & safety prioritizing youth, low-income families & individuals, and people with disabilities. Applicants must demonstrate solid financials, goals, plans, and budgets to be considered. They create these grants to assist in operating and program support to give organizations the flexibility needed to do the best for their communities. Capital funding can be requested. Grant applications are submitted online and are reviewed every 6 weeks.

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West Virginia

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation – PA, WV

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling – applications are accepted throughout the year

Award Amount: Varies

The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation was established in 1944 by Michael and Sarah Benedum to improve the quality of life in West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania. The main areas of focus are economic development, education, community development and health. Their grants do not fund construction or equipment. Funding focus by region are: West Virginia – economic development, education, community development, health. Southwestern Pennsylvania – Economic development, education. First time applicants or those unsure of whether their project is in line with the Foundation’s priorities should call or send an email to the Foundation.

Highmark Foundation – PA, WV

Additional Information 

Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Highmark Foundation supports 501(c)(3) nonprofits that work in western and central Pennsylvania and West Virginia with a focus on the following areas: chronic disease, family health, and service delivery systems. The Foundation prefers to fund evidence-based programs that impact multiple counties with replicable long-term models that attract collaborative funding by community leaders. The Foundation will fund demonstrations, pilot projects, model programs, and expansions as well as established initiatives. Grant proposals can be submitted online.

Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP)

West Virginia Community Advancement and Development

Additional Information 

Deadline: June 30th

Award Amount: Varies

The Neighborhood Investment Program supports around 200 nonprofits each year in West Virginia. The Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) is a tax credit program of $3 million each year, which allows 501(c)3 designated charitable organizations to apply for tax credit vouchers. When awarded, the organization can distribute the vouchers to businesses and individuals who contribute a minimum of $500 to them. The donor can reduce their West Virginia tax liability by 50%. The organizations pay a 3% fee on the donation, which offsets the administrative costs of NIP. Non-profit organizations apply annually to the West Virginia Development Office (WVDO). The applicant must be registered with the Secretary of State as a 501(c)3. West Virginia Community Advancement and Development’s priorities for funding are infrastructure, sustainability, compliance and resiliency.

Ross Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: April 1st and Oct. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

The Ross Foundation strongly believes in the value of education, investing in programs and initiatives throughout Wood, Ritchie, Doddridge, Pleasants, and Jackson County, West Virginia. Priority is given to 501(c)(3) organizations whose work focuses on education, community development, arts/cultural, disabilities or animals. The Foundation will not fund programs specific to a single school unless the program demonstrates an intent to replicate its outcome across a larger educational platform. Applications are submitted online through the Ross Foundation’s website. All grants spanning beyond one year will be subject to annual review and funding maxes out at three years.

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Alliant Energy Foundation – IA, WI

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Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation supports projects that help families in Iowa and Wisconsin. Applications are accepted through the Alliant Energy eGrant portal. Short eligibility quizzes must be completed before candidates can access the full application. Under the Environmental Stewardship focus, funding can be used for park updates, signage, picnic tables & benches. Under the Community Safety & Engagement focus, funding can be used for playground updates and new playground equipment at public parks. For playground updates and equipment, there is a typical awarded amount of $1,000.

AnnMarie Foundation

Additional Information

Deadline: Feb. 1st, May 1st, Aug. 1st, or Nov. 1st

Award Amount: Varies

The Foundation offers grant funds to Wisconsin schools and nonprofit organizations to promote educational, humanitarian, cultural, and recreational activities. Members of the Board meet quarterly to review applications and determine which organizations will be awarded. Grant forms can be found online. Schools may request and receive grants quarterly. All other eligible organizations may receive only one grant in a calendar year. Grant requests should focus on experiential opportunities for the betterment of the individual and/or community. Requests for tangible/durable items are preferred.

Green Bay Packers Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: May 1st- July 1st open grant period

Award Amount: $4,000 - $8,000

The Foundation, an entity independent of the Green Bay Packers, Inc., supports charities that serve Wisconsin. If an organization addresses multiple focus areas, that organization must choose one year to submit a grant application in the three-year cycle. Grant applications are accepted online May 1 to July 1 each year and must be submitted with a project/program that addresses one of that year's specific focus areas. 2024 - arts and culture, athletics, education 2025 - animal welfare, civic and community, environmental, health and wellness (including drug/alcohol and domestic violence).

Harley Davidson Foundation

Additional Information 

Deadline: Varies

Award Amount: Varies

The Harley Davidson Foundation is going through a period of transformational change in the way that they want to find solutions for issues and needs within their geographic focus area of the Near West Side including Milwaukee. Unsolicited grant apps are not accepted. They are exploring ways to be inclusive of all stakeholders within the NWS to co-create solutions. To deliver on the community’s desire for more green space that supports gathering, health, well-being, and arts & culture, the Harley-Davidson Foundation will transform a central element of their Juneau Avenue campus headquarters into a new public park. A “nature playground” is planned for part of that park. If you are located in or serve the NWS or Milwaukee, check the website for ways to become involved in their partnerships with nonprofits.

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Daniels Fund - Wyoming

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Deadline: Rolling

Award Amount: Varies

Rewritten paragraph

In Wyoming, the Daniels Fund’s main priorities are helping people with disabilities, early childhood education, homelessness, K-12 education reform, drug and alcohol addiction, amateur sports, youth development and aging. Applicants who feel that they are a good fit with the Foundation’s priorities should fill out an inquiry form on the grants portal. You will receive an email confirmation that your inquiry was received. After review, the Foundation will notify you whether they want you to submit a full application or not.

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, & Trails

Additional Information

Deadline: Pre-application May 15, Full application Nov 30

Award amount: Varies

Project sponsors such as cities, towns, counties, school and recreation districts are eligible to apply for federally funded LWCF grants. The LWCF is a matching grant program based on a 50% reimbursement of the project’s total cost. Only costs for the development and/or acquisition of public outdoor recreation lands and facilities are eligible for assistance. Applicant must agree to dedicate the park or project area for use by the public in perpetuity. Full details and application form are on the website.

Myra Fox Skelton Foundation

Administered by Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Additional Information

Deadline: April 1st and Oct. 1st

Award Amount: $2,000-$10,000 average grant size

The Myra Fox Skelton Foundation was established to support worthy charitable organizations operating in Wyoming, particularly those rendering services to and benefiting youth, health, education and religion. The foundation has a practice of primarily supporting organizations located in Natrona County, Wyoming. Applications are accepted year-round. Applications must be submitted by April 1 and October 1 to be reviewed at the next grant meeting. Applicants will receive an automated email confirming their submission. Grant decisions are generally communicated by May and November for applications received by the deadline.

Wyoming Community Foundation General Grants

Additional Information

Deadline: Mar 15, September 15

Award amount: Varies

WYCF gives priority to nonprofit organizations who: Address an identified community need and work to create a long-term solution, Partner with other nonprofits or programs to enhance services without duplication, Leverage dollars received from WYCF to obtain additional or future funding. Low priority is given to: Block grants, Capital campaigns, Annual campaigns, Debt retirement. WYCF accepts one application per organization for any given grant deadline and a final report must be submitted prior to submitting a new grant request. Additionally, a grantee shall limit their application to one time per year.

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Grant Writing Resources


Additional Information 

Guidestar is a powerful search engine if you want to look up competing nonprofits or foundations offering grants. Their blog has valuable info on nonprofit trends, how to collect and use demographic and other types of data. In 2019, GuideStar and Foundation Center merged and became Candid. To save time, you can just go straight toCandid and have access to both entities.

Foundation Center

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In 2019, GuideStar and Foundation Center merged and became Candid. To save time, you can just go straight toCandid and have access to both entities.

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This is a website provided by the Federal Government which allows you to search all of the federal grants that are available.

Purdue OWL

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Purdue’s Online Writing Lab provides valuable grant writing resources. This includes assistance in planning a successful proposal, writing a proposal, and clarity in the proposal. This website, based at Purdue University, can help make you a better writer.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

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This is an online magazine, based in Washington DC, with the latest news and trends in the nonprofit and philanthropic world.

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