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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Designing Innovative School Playgrounds

Innovative Playground Design and Why it Works

AAA State of Play offers a wide variety of playground equipment that you can use as you create an innovative playground design for your school. As you design a playground, it is important to understand the study of play and the way that it has evolved as you consider the different ideas for playgrounds and how designing a playground for your school might be best done. Many schools, parks, and churches are trying to incorporate more accessible playground equipment for special-needs children. Other schools are looking at how to use the natural elements to create a welcoming playground. You can get some great playground design ideas by looking at what other parks in your area have done well.

What Is Involved in Innovative Playground Design?

Innovative design elements can range from creating a space that allows children to explore and build their own play space to encouraging imaginative play and adventures. Other great ideas for playgrounds may include building a park that is accessible to all, including children with physical limitations, or giving older children the chance to run and exercise. The theories behind playground design continue to evolve, and as you design your park, you may choose different types of structures depending on the needs of those who will play there. As you begin to purchase equipment, be sure to think about landscaping and design a playground that makes the best use of the space available.

How to Design a Playground for Adventure

One play systems design movement focuses on adventure playgrounds. These playgrounds add an imaginative flair to the play of children by allowing them to use things around them to build forts and tree houses. These playgrounds are not recommended, as without proper supervision, injuries are likely to happen. Aspects of this type of playground design can be incorporated into traditional playgrounds, however, using the equipment we carry online. Children can work together with adults, and with adult supervision, to build and add elements to play structures, encouraging creativity in children.

How to Design a Playground for Children With Disabilities

If you are looking for playground designs for schools, you may want to take a more traditional approach. However, many schools are looking for accessible designs that make it possible for children with disabilities to be able to play on the equipment as well. These inclusive playgrounds incorporate special swings and ramps that make it easier for children to participate in play and give children the opportunity to become more aware of the needs of others. They also provide people of all abilities a chance to play and interact with their peers.

Weight Loss and Playground Equipment

Some school playground designs are created to help encourage movement and to build strength and promote more exercise. If your school population is struggling with obesity, you may want to shop for equipment that encourages building upper-body strength, endurance, and climbing. These types of structures have monkey bars, climbing walls, and bridges. Increased activity can help students become healthier and increase concentration in the classroom.

AAA State of Play and Innovative Playground Design

We offer a number of innovative pieces of equipment for children of all ages. When you are ready to design and buy playground equipment, we have the resources you need. Just visit our frequently asked questions page or call and speak to a representative about your purchase. We provide quality playground equipment that will last for years, and with careful design and implementation, you can create an innovative play space that allows children to grow, explore, and play.

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