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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Commercial Tire Swings for School Playgrounds and Parks

On clear, dry days, parents look for ways to get their children out of the house and away from televisions and video games. Playgrounds are a common and popular spot where not only parents but teachers or anyone who is caring for kids can take them to get fresh air, have fun, and reap the benefits of outdoor play. If you are establishing a playground or have a current one in place, it’s important to offer more than the standard equipment to keep kids interested. Tire swings are a fun variation on classic swings: They offer a level of excitement and fun that will inspire parents and other adults to bring kids back time and again. At AAA State of Play, you can buy a tire swing for playset integration or one that stands alone alongside other structures for almost any public or private location, such as a park, school, or child-care center. Our commercial tire swings are designed for a wide range of age groups, from toddlers to older children up to age 12. And when you shop with us, you’ll always get a high-quality piece of equipment at a great price.

Swings are one of the most popular parts of any play area. Unfortunately, thrill-seeking kids can quickly become bored with the simple back-and-forth motion of traditional swings. A commercial tire swing, however, not only offers back-and-forth movement but can also swing side-to-side or in a circular motion. Unlike an old-fashioned tire that’s hung from a tree, we offer a safe, durable, but no less fun version of the tire swing. Tire swings we carry hang not from a rope that is tied to a branch but from chains that are attached to a heavy-duty frame, which drastically improves the safety of this type of activity and can even allow more than one child to use the swing at the same time.

Available Options for Tire Swings

We offer a variety of tire swings to fit different playground setups and aesthetic preferences. Our selection includes single-bay and multi-bay configurations, with options to customize the number of tire seats. You can also choose from a range of colors to match or complement your existing playground equipment. For those needing a custom color scheme, we provide additional customization options upon request.

Benefits of Tire Swings for Child Development

When you add a free-standing tire swing to your playground equipment, you are giving kids the opportunity to build fun memories and so much more. Swinging helps build gross motor skills and physical strength as children use their bodies to propel the swing. It also encourages social interaction and cooperation when children play together, enhancing their social skills. The dynamic motion of a tire swing also offers a unique sensory experience that can be both calming and stimulating for children.

Safety Features of Our Tire Swings

At AAA State of Play, safety is our top priority, so we carry only tire swings constructed with high-quality, durable materials that withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions without cracking or shedding rubber. Each swing comes with a roto-molded tire and galvanized chains to ensure strength and longevity. And tire swings are typically installed lower to the ground than traditional swings, providing an extra layer of safety for younger children.

Installation and Maintenance of Tire Swings

Our tire swings are designed for easy installation, but for those who prefer professional assistance, we offer nationwide installation services. Maintaining the tire swings involves regular inspections to ensure all hardware is secure and in good condition. Detailed maintenance guidelines and support are available to help you keep the swings safe and enjoyable for all users.

When you purchase playground equipment such as tire swings from AAA State of Play, you can trust that you are getting the very best in terms of high-quality equipment and service. Getting a free quote and placing your order is a quick and simple process: Contact us and let us show you how easy it is to get a commercial-grade tire swing for your play space. Our experienced and knowledgeable customer support staff are waiting to help!

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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