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Back to School Tips and Advice

The end of summer brings with it the excitement of a new school year but can also be a time when both kids and parents feel anxious. Getting ready for back to school can seem overwhelming and kids may be nervous about new teachers, making new friends, and more. To calm kids fears and keep your sanity while preparing for back to school time, take some simple steps to ensure that everyone is ready for the new school year.

Take a School Tour

This is especially important for kids that will be attending a new school or kids that will be attending school for the first time. If the school offers an open house, take advantage of it. If kids are familiar with the environment they will be heading into, they will often be less nervous on the first day of school. For younger kids, taking a look at the playground, swing sets and other fun spaces can help get your child excited for school.

Try to Meet the Teacher

Open houses can be a great time to connect with your child's new teacher. Often, one of children's biggest fears is having a new teacher. Getting to know the teacher before school starts can make your child less nervous and will also put your mind at ease. While you may not be able to connect with the teacher in person, chances are you will be able to contact them by phone or email.

Gather Supplies

Most teachers will provide parents with a class supply list prior to the start of school so that kids will have everything they need on the first day. Consider taking your child with you when shopping for school supplies, as knowing that they will have everything they need for class can ease their minds. This can also be a great opportunity to discuss with children what may lie ahead for the school year. Based on the supplies, you can have fun speculating about what will be learned and what projects the students will get to do.

Find a Friend

Starting in a new classroom can be scary for kids, and finding a familiar face can make a big difference. Consider setting up some play dates or other activities prior to the start of school so that kids can get to know some of their classmates. This is also a good time to try to set up school carpools and other activities.

Create a Routine

Summer often means later bedtimes and sleeping in and switching from that to early mornings can be difficult for both kids and parents. As the summer winds down, it is best to ease into a new routine so that kids and parents will be on the right schedule when the time comes for school to start.

Create a Calendar

When kids go back to school, schedules often fill up quickly. Creating a family calendar that has items such as school functions, music lessons, lunch menus, sports practices and games, can be beneficial for the whole family. Keeping track of activities creates less chaos and allows for more efficient time management.

Create a Homework Space

Whether its a desk, or a quiet space in the kitchen or elsewhere in the home, setting up a designated homework spot is a great idea. This can be an area free of distractions where children can concentrate on their work.

Schedule a Physical for Your Child

To make sure kids are physically healthy and ready to head back to school, take your child to the doctor. This is especially important for older kids who may participate in sports as a physical and clean bill or health are often required to play on school teams.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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