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Available Styles: Fabric Roofs

You have decided to purchase a shade structure, but you are unsure of what style fits your needs. Let this guide help you choose the correct style for project.

Sails Shade Structure Design

Umbrella Shade Structure Design

Sail shade structures are unique. The designs feature triangular shaped sails in a variety of configurations. Some of the most common designs are the quad sail, sail square, sand dollar, hyperbolic sail, or just the traditional sails look. This type of shade structure can also be custom designed for your space. Sail structures are great for projects where a budget is not concerned, as they can be costly. These structures are great for park benches, bus stops, playgrounds, public gardens, and custom projects.

Umbrella shade structures feature a shade that is supported by a single post in the center. The two exceptions are the two or three column umbrella and the cantilever umbrella. The multiple posts on those two styles are great for shading larger areas. The titled umbrella style features a shade with four sides and the single post polygon features a shade with six sides. The umbrella shades are available in sizes up to 24' and when combined with multiple shades, the umbrella shades allow great flexibility when shading your area. These structures are perfect for smaller projects such as picnic areas, beach resorts, hotel pools, outdoor dining, splash parks, drive thru windows, sandboxes, lounge areas, service kiosks, and employee break areas.

Hip Shade Structure Design

Cantilever Shade Structure Design

Hip shades are square or rectangular and come in a large variety of sizes. Supported by four poles, these shades are great for large areas. Hip shades are popular choices for projects like playgrounds, sports courts, and outdoor music venues.

Cantilever shades feature the least amount of parts and footings. This style has been engineered to provide the maximum amount of shade with the minimum amount of obstructions. The cantilever design is available in a variety of different overhangs, lengths, and heights. The projects that would most benefit from this style are apartment parking, outdoor seating, concessions, drive throughs, and sidewalks.

For More Information:

No matter what your project is, one of these designs is sure to fit your needs. Each shade comes in a large variety of colors, creating your desired look. Contact AAA State of Play for assistance on choosing the correct shade structure for your project.

Find more about the author: Kristen Breedlove

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